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Teemo Build Guide by Vazdest

Teemo ----- TnT

Teemo ----- TnT

Updated on July 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vazdest Build Guide By Vazdest 2,137 Views 0 Comments
2,137 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vazdest Teemo Build Guide By Vazdest Updated on July 18, 2011
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Chapter 1

OK,OK,OK I know what your thinking tank Teemo, pfft fail. WRONG. This build works cause he has the survivability. Lvl 1 start with Doran's Blade and your Toxic Shot and either go mid or with a side lane if your not comfortable there. DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT START WITH BLIND DART YOUR MAIN DMG EARLY LVL IS POISON DON'T FORGET THAT. If you build it right you wont die that much either due to your movement will be nice at lvl 4 when you buy your possible second and third items zeal and phage. Now you can get rid of trin force but i like just cause of extra movement crit, ap and a lot more even though i already have frozen mallet i dont use it for slow. But change how you feel it would be best. so if game is going in your favor by level 6-8 you should have both phantom dancer and frozen mallet and your Dorans blade still and boots if you needed them but you wont need them eventually so you can just sell them when you feel more comfortable. Also now that your between lvls 6-8 you should be begging your madreds blood razor once you have the above items. Buy the madreds for better minion farming and maybe part of hex-tech for more life steal so you dont get soloed out by a silly raging Master yi (you will win against him anyway lol)Now that you got your madreds blood razor finished its time to work of finishing the build your choice between the hex-tech gunblade or blood thirster, your choice betweeen other item and trin force. But i suggest it. And your choice between Black cleaver or another attack speed or whaterver you see fit item, and thats all and yeah i know some of ya said its not really tank teemo but it is oh it is ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vazdest
Vazdest Teemo Guide
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