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Gangplank Build Guide by The Great One

The 1800 and Above Club

The 1800 and Above Club

Updated on June 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Great One Build Guide By The Great One 2,048 Views 0 Comments
2,048 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Great One Gangplank Build Guide By The Great One Updated on June 21, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



kk check it out by building all crit ruins, and getting crit damage increasers like the infinite edge and trinity force even thornmails cant do ****. Since u have the boosted to 250 from the infinite edge then increased to 400 by the trinity force, and then to rap it up the runes give a bonus 43 percent for a total of 443 crit damage.
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U will be unstoppable and u can do over 1800 damage easily. Thornmails wont do anything because u have 50% life steal. So if u r criting 1800's 50% of that is 900 per hit.
Cons it costs alot of moeny for this build so try to ks and jungke for money, Ususally if u fllw this correctly u will get up to one bloodthirster which isnt bad but then u wont fully unlock this builds true ability. When u get this strong u usually r target number 1 so let your team initate then run out from a bush to surpriise them and roflstomp there faces in.
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Scurvy: is the most legit move in the game. It can heal u while removing off an stun, supress, snare, taunt, and etc. This basically makes the annyoing shen, galios taunts useless, whille makeing warwick sad cause his ult will do ****.
Rais Morale: This will let u run away which is relaly nice if you're low health. It also has a huge *** range so u can give the bonus to a near death allie without becoming the target urself. It also increases yer attack damage while in use, and gives a passive while not in use.
Parley: U WILL LIVE OFF THIS MOVE!! it is ur damage move and crit damage builds off this so, this is the best move ever, EVER!!!! p.s. mad quick cooldown
Cannon Barrage: is pretty much useless except to scare enemies in a teamfight, kill lots of minions while they attack yer turret when yer busy, and to get a gank when yer low health enemies are retreating.
Grog Soaked Blade: its yer apssive and deals 120-170 damage to anyone u hit causing them if they are retreating to die if they escape with low health. GSB also reduces healing effects by 50%
Ignite anmd Exhaust: slows down the enemie, reduces, healing and does damage.
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This is a good build for peaople who aren;t novices and who know how to be a gpballer. Many of u might think that ignite and GSB arent good combo but when an enemy is running double the damage is nice. Peace out brussel sprout!

this build was given to u by the xTheAwesomeOnex.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Great One
The Great One Gangplank Guide
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The 1800 and Above Club

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