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Nami Build Guide by Whulgorlum

The Aquaprisoning Tanknami

The Aquaprisoning Tanknami

Updated on March 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum Build Guide By Whulgorlum 3,675 Views 0 Comments
3,675 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum Nami Build Guide By Whulgorlum Updated on March 19, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

The Aquaprisoning Tanknami

By Whulgorlum
My Whole Idea
My goal behind this Nami build is to essentially "buy time" and be amongst the team more. I want to do my Nami Enchanter thing, but I also want to be able to take a hit and not go down.

I buy time by maxing bubble first, casting (and practicing) more Aqua Prisons to bubble enemies to protect allies and stop threats.

I buy time and prop up Ebb and Flow with Locket of the Iron Solari and provide additional stats and shields.

My allies and I buy time by slowing enemies with Tidecaller's Blessing + Imperial Mandate procs. Tidecaller's Blessing is still great with two points into it. An ability that gives 100 movement speed for 1.5 secs (your passive), a 20% slow and 35 on-hit damage is still a good ability.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum
Whulgorlum Nami Guide
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