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Vi Build Guide by Doctor Leon

AD Offtank The Doctor's Guide to the Sentai Dunk

AD Offtank The Doctor's Guide to the Sentai Dunk

Updated on August 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doctor Leon Build Guide By Doctor Leon 2,488 Views 0 Comments
2,488 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doctor Leon Vi Build Guide By Doctor Leon Updated on August 17, 2013
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Chapter 1: Beginners Guide to Dunking and Why I'm bad at writing about it.

Starting off, this isn't going to be a big, fancy guide. I'm terrible at writing and clueless with coding. Moving on, this guide is, short and simple, a high damage tank. Some people may prefer full damage on Vi, but in all honesty, her damage takes care of itself. Moving on...
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Laning and Early Game

Basically, you just want to spend early game managing your mana, and if you feel like ignoring that, spamming your E for wave-eating farm powers. While it may seem odd getting that first, it leads to great farming and harass early game, with Vault Breaker for escapes. As long as you're mindful of the enemy jungler and don't push up too far, you'll have no problems against anyone.
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Mid game, laning phase near end, and what you should be doing.

If you haven't obliterated the enemy tower within 10 minutes, then don't worry, it's normal. Just make sure you keep a lot of pressure on your enemy, only letting off during ganks. Once you're free to roam, find the lane that needs the most help and go obliterate their enemies for them. By this point you should have at least your boots, cleaver, and a giants belt. If you're into the warmogs already, then you can go ahead and dunk as you please.
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Late Game

Assuming the enemy hasn't surrendered already, then keep to business as usual. Use your impossibly strong initiations to remove the enemy's carry from the fight, blow up their mid laner, and then sit back and regen a little health as your team cleans up. You're a tower destroying monster by this point, so pushing lanes is no problem, and with your health, backdooring is always an option.
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