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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
First Build - Full Tank
Second Build - Support/Tank
Third - Jungle Hybrid Tank
Forth - AD Tank
Still being updated son stay tuned.
This build is great, many people think that maokai would be a bad AD tank, this build proves them wrong, it gives you the power to be ad while still be tanky. Follow the same jungle route that is found bellow.
This is a advanced build and if you are good with maokai i highly recommend this.
This is a advanced build and if you are good with maokai i highly recommend this.
The route I currently use due to the jungle changes from game to game depending on the enemy's teams comp. The following is if u suspect they will try and steal Ur wraiths from start
1.Sapling your wraiths twice (start at 1:05 so you have time to regen), sapling it a third time at 1:40 so the impact damage can occur
2.Run to blue, this is vital if you told your team to leash as you'll get there slightly late (so your non mid leash will have to keep it still for a bit) but you can do it without a leash thanks to the new jungle.
3.Kill wolves with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
4.Kill wraiths with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
5. Here you can either kill golems or kill lizard depending on if you feel safe killing lizard at this moment without smite. Also I usually kill lizard here if I'm blue side since often my bottom lane takes the golem camp and it might have 10-15 seconds left on the spawn timer.
6.Kill the lizard/golem you failed to kill in step 5 and receive level 4.
Here you can either gank or finish wraiths/wolves for easy exp then a shopping trip.
1.Sapling your wraiths twice (start at 1:05 so you have time to regen), sapling it a third time at 1:40 so the impact damage can occur
2.Run to blue, this is vital if you told your team to leash as you'll get there slightly late (so your non mid leash will have to keep it still for a bit) but you can do it without a leash thanks to the new jungle.
3.Kill wolves with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
4.Kill wraiths with 1 sapling and 2 Qs
5. Here you can either kill golems or kill lizard depending on if you feel safe killing lizard at this moment without smite. Also I usually kill lizard here if I'm blue side since often my bottom lane takes the golem camp and it might have 10-15 seconds left on the spawn timer.
6.Kill the lizard/golem you failed to kill in step 5 and receive level 4.
Here you can either gank or finish wraiths/wolves for easy exp then a shopping trip.
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