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Gangplank Build Guide by SavioR

The Gangplank

The Gangplank

Updated on July 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SavioR Build Guide By SavioR 2,158 Views 0 Comments
2,158 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SavioR Gangplank Build Guide By SavioR Updated on July 27, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Pro's and Cons


Gangplank is one of the most devastating champions to go against if he is farmed. That being said, my guide will tell you all you need to know about carrying your team and winning.

Kills Squishies easily
Can kite

Is squishy himself
Item Dependent
Can be stopped early game

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Gangplank Early Phase

Gangplank is all about making bank. To do this, last hitting is an essential part of the early laning phase. Do not harass your opponent, unless you HAVE to. Farm until you have about 850 gold. Go back, upgrade to Chalice of Harmony. This will give you mana per mana you're missing, and magic resistance. Don't forget to buy boots as well, to start your Boots of Lucidity. Buy as much Health Potions as you can.
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Mid Phase

Gangplank should have a Chalice of Harmony, Boots of Lucidity, and a B.F. Sword. Keep farming until you're needed (Team Fights around your area). Farm until you have enough for an Infinity Edge. I can't stress enough that GP is item dependent. Also, buy pots as well if you have not pushed your lane yet. Once you push your lane, head over to your golems (assuming your jungler is busy ganking) and grab it to soak some more xp.
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Late Game - Tactics

Gangplank is very powerful in team fights. With his ultimate, you turn the tide of the environment into your favor. Your job is to destroy any of the carries that the other team has. Ashe is a great example. If she attacks you and ultimates, simply eat your oranges and finish her off. By late game, you should have: Infinity Edge, Boots of Lucidity, TriForce, Chalice. Keep farming if you have not gotten those items.
Kill Order:
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SavioR
SavioR Gangplank Guide
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The Gangplank

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