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Fizz Build Guide by Wolfskhan

The Jungeling Fishhunter

The Jungeling Fishhunter

Updated on November 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfskhan Build Guide By Wolfskhan 4,691 Views 3 Comments
4,691 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfskhan Fizz Build Guide By Wolfskhan Updated on November 16, 2011
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At the beginning you buy an cloth armor and 5 helth potions. When you are back from jungleing sell the cotharmor and buy 2 Daggers, uprage it as fast as possible to Stinger. Then you buy shoes and Nashor´s Tooth. Uprage your shoes to Mercury´s Treads, then pick up and Hextech Revolver. Then buy Malady and Hextech Gunblade. When your start buying Lich Bane start with Sheen then uprgade it to Lich Bane. To finish your build buy an Rylai´s Crystal Scepter
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Creeping / Jungling

You start your jungleing at the 2 Golems, let on of your teammates pull the golems, smite at the beginning cause then you Seastone Trident is doing more damage, then walk over to the wraithes clear them and the wolfes after the wolfes recall. Then your doing red, and Smite at the beginning, then you go and gank somewhere or take blue as well.
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If you Gank, make sure that you have your ultimate or red, to have an slow, so your enemy can´t escape. Activate your Seastone Trident to do extra damage if he is sill alive use your urchin strike to catch up with you enemy, it your gank failed try to escape/doge with Playful/Trickster
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wolfskhan
Wolfskhan Fizz Guide
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The Jungeling Fishhunter

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