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Teemo Build Guide by Kaliados

The many play styles of Teeeemo

The many play styles of Teeeemo

Updated on July 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaliados Build Guide By Kaliados 2,160 Views 0 Comments
2,160 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaliados Teemo Build Guide By Kaliados Updated on July 28, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo
  • LoL Champion: Teemo


This guide is about The many ways you can play teemo, Tank teemo(#5) is pretty nonviable however.
1. AP Teemo
2. Atk. SP Magic dmg Teemo
3. phys. Crit Teemo
4. AD Lifesteal Teemo
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Teemo #1

Teemo's Ratios are high, however he has very few Spells, so Lich Bane is a MUST. Teemo's mushrooms will practically 3 shot any squishy and teemos Burst Mid-Late game is disastrous. I play AP Teemo as a giant Assassin half of my games played as Teemo Im just sitting in stealth waiting for fresh meat. Dont worry about farm however cause teemos shrooms can easily take out the whole creep waves. Keep in mind that if your playing with a jungler, your mushrooms can easily keep him as safe as possible, without requireing the jungler, or support to buy mass loads of wards. Mid-Late game teemos shrooms can give such a security blanket to gain a baron kill if spreading your mushrooms properly.
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Teemo #2

I personally really do enjoy playing this style of teemo the most. Its very hard for people to counter a fed atk speed AP teemo, since Malady shreds MR, and his attack speed is still so great that the inital damage of Wit's End, Bloodrazer, Toxic Shot, and Malady.

Malady (20) + Wit's End (42) + Toxic Shot (45) + 4% HP = 107+4% Not to include the actual auto attack damage. With full items you should be attack speed caped, or very close. so ~400(+8% HP) Damage every second.
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Teemo #3

#3 is pretty odd, however it works if there are a lot of melee on their team. This build completely abuses movement, I rarely see people capable to actually chase. Hextech Gunblade is quit underrated in my own opinion since it buffs teemos innital damage, and the toxic shot, and mushrooms. Teemo gains so much sustainability with this item.
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Teemo #4

Just another type you can play an ad teemo, however your attack speed is slower than the other builds. He hurts like hell though. I've never gotten to late game with this build, typically they Surrender at 20 Minutes as this build. I think its a coincidence though.
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Teemo #5

Tankeemo does work believe it or not, Obviously not the optimal tank. You may think teemo lacks a tank cause he doesnt have any way to innate or a taunt. But he does Everyone wants to kill teemo. I've seen too many games go sour when I go tankeemo and they all focused teemo, and we aced their team with only one death (ME).
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Ranked Play

Teemo Build #2 is the most sustainable build throughout the match, It truly goes very far in ranked. Though in ranked play you might want to get a phage a little earlier than the build recommends since teemo gets focused way to much.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kaliados
Kaliados Teemo Guide
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The many play styles of Teeeemo

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