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Twitch Build Guide by fralin

The new ap rat

The new ap rat

Updated on December 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fralin Build Guide By fralin 1,773 Views 0 Comments
1,773 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author fralin Twitch Build Guide By fralin Updated on December 28, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Surge



Working build for fun dont bash it to hard. I know its free twich week so have an LOL time

The AP rat is a new way to elimnate the aposing team the 1 for 1 ratio is explosive agiant teams that dont stack MR or are just plan dumb if not targeted or completely shut down you can take a team out in the time before your ult runs out.
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I take gold per 5 Qunits to help with income. This build is high dollar and frankly there is only so meny minions to go around.
Magic pen reds are a norm and a must for ap casters more boom for your buck win win. you can go stright flat ap for early laneing but that will begain to even out as you see there team get BV FoN and in some cases witts end.
Both seals and gylphs are focused on giving you the ap needed to hang before your build is started. The AP per lv seals and gylphs will assist in keeping you with the other teams AP carry as far as your AP amounts.
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What can i really say simple AP and attack speed little mana and movement speed in support.
Twitch is known for his gankablity roaming and plan hideing ability. Second tair is Attack speed and CD reduction the reduction is such a small amount but its needed to get to the bread and butter and Magic Pen 10% percent is 10% come on and the rest is just normal.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fralin
fralin Twitch Guide
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The new ap rat

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