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Jayce Build Guide by sou1ow

the only build you need

the only build you need

Updated on July 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sou1ow Build Guide By sou1ow 1,583 Views 0 Comments
1,583 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sou1ow Jayce Build Guide By sou1ow Updated on July 17, 2012
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i like to run in run out
jayce is a character that does a massive damage shot while in blaster
use E to set up a speed wall and then
use his Q to increase damage and range
only gets stronger buy upgrading Q not E

while in hammer mode his E knocks back characters
i use E to jump in to damage and slow
then flash aways in front to make sure i have time to use my E to knock them back towards my team stunning them

everytime u switch your weapon w/ R you get a speed boost and next hit while lower armor and magic resist
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runes are attack speed % is biggest change i can see to use

alsoe most magic and armor you could get for your buck tried all ways no matter what you trade 2 for 1 in any catagory of atk spd vs arm vs mag resist
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sou1ow
sou1ow Jayce Guide
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the only build you need

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