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Annie Build Guide by ThoseAngryArabs

Support The support who can hold her own

Support The support who can hold her own

Updated on January 2, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThoseAngryArabs Build Guide By ThoseAngryArabs 1,313 Views 0 Comments
1,313 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ThoseAngryArabs Annie Build Guide By ThoseAngryArabs Updated on January 2, 2014
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Who I am!

I am nothing special. i am ThoseAngryArabs. a support main shoutin out from silver V-IV. I picked up league following a friend who got into it. He is amazing at this game and i normally dont have time to play enough (i personally feel i should be a little closer to gold, but hell, who doesnt think they are better than they actually are? Well i duo alot with him and always get last pick. so in silver, thats support. So i learned to love it. Played around a bit and now i have all support champions! (17 more champs before i have them all!... i work alot thats why i dont play as much as i want) Well annie became my favorite support in S4 (the gold helps her support, while at the same time be able to hold her own in fights). First guide so Bear with me!
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you guys will hate me but no picture for this one...
Quints: GP10
Red Marks: flat ability power
Yellow Seals: Flat armor
Blue Glyphs: Scaling Magic Resist

This gives some good early poke (with masteries) and the armor is good against the obvious ADC.
GP10 quints are almost a must for supports IMO
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Flash is a must (Flash ult stun for epic engage)
I choose exshaust mainly but ignite is also a good pick if youre team needs that extra push, or there is a Mundo, trynd, ect.
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I hope you made it down here. This is my first guide ever and im not sure how exactly this goes :( i did my best, and i just feel like getting my way of playing annie support out there. Love it or hate it, this is what i do
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ThoseAngryArabs
ThoseAngryArabs Annie Guide
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The support who can hold her own

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