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Twitch Build Guide by GecKoNo

The underestimated Bot Lane Twitch

The underestimated Bot Lane Twitch

Updated on July 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo Build Guide By GecKoNo 15,781 Views 0 Comments
15,781 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo Twitch Build Guide By GecKoNo Updated on July 11, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hi fellas,
this guide should bring you some knowledge about Twitch bot lane.

But who am I?

My name is Dennis, i am 27 years old from germany and playing League of Legends now for over 2 years and just an average player 1300-1500 elo around.

I`ve played in a lot of teams and cups and gathered some experience which i would like to share with you guys.

So i hope you will find something new for you in here.
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Pros / Cons

High early game burst
High roaming potential
He got a strong AoE slow
Timed right, one of the strongest Ultimates in the whole game
Great attackspeed skill

Really Squishy
Gets fast out of mana
Less auto attack range compared to other ad heroes
No real escape skill
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Thats what i really tried alot.

I mean there are alot other possible set of runes, but this works out for me so far:

Red attackspeed: Well tried out arpen aswell, but you wanne get your expunge stacks fast. So red your best option.

Yellow attackspeed: Tried the armor aswell but, fells not right at all. If you play Twitch you need to make kills. If you want to farm better play an other AD Heroe then him.

Blue attackspeed: Still im not sure about attackspeed or manareg in blue, because you will suffer some mana problems in the early. It`s quite an option.

1 Arpen
2 Flat ADs: Just to improve your overall AD Stats. And easier csing. If your a safe last hitter with Twitch feel free to go for HP quins.
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Skill Sequence

When your team dont want to invade (belive me mostly the will) take the first point in Ambush.
Go back to the normal skill order at Level 3 then.
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Im kinda going for the normal AD Range stuff, just adding magic pen for your expunge to it.
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Good Partner for you

Good :
1. Blitzcrank
He will hook the enemy infront of you + knock them up. There ain`t much more a Twitch could want! Combined with your slow and the toxic stacks + ignite mostly fb around lvl 2.

2. Leona
More the aggresive style but still awesome! Its nearly the same as with Blitzcrank, because you can position yourself for the go from leona, but it is hard to do when you get experienced players against you. The benefit for that is the higher cc, tankiness thru her shield and the passiv from Leona that will incrase your damage.

3. Aistar
Same as Leona, but a heal for the early tankiness.

4. Soraka
Insane sustain no mana Problems i love it. With a nice timed silence there aint no summoner to use. So you get easier kills when they try to flash.

5. Taric
Works great with him but if you get a bit behind or have save playing enemys, your lane is quite done. But Flash Stun kill early on lane helps out there.
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Let the Game begin

Well here is the first thing, is your Team going to invade or not?

If yes, you have to skill your Ambush for stealth scouting. Try to give vision as safe as possible and never engage first! You have to go to bot at all cost, if you die there, you will have a hard laning phase. Keep an eye on your ambush icon so that your stealth not runs out when your in the middle of the spot...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GecKoNo
GecKoNo Twitch Guide
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The underestimated Bot Lane Twitch

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