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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Death Defied (PASSIVE)
Karthus Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Main tips:
I make no claim to be good at the game and cannot refund lost ELO. Try the build if you're curious.
- Prioritise Grail early for mana sustain and cheap AP (70AP total from this item when accounting for mana regen from a completed spellthiefs). You should be able to poke fairly aggressively with this item. So long as you don't spam Q you won't have mana issues.
- Rylai's should be your next buy after boots, will serve to proc the Font of Life rune (and therefore Grail passive) more often, as well as catch people out of position by constantly slowing them.
- Be preapred to die. People tend to underestimate Karthus' output. You can quite easily turn a 2v3 into a favourable trade by dumping damage and letting your lane partner clean up.
- You will run out of mana quickly using E as this build does not build raw mana, so use it conservatively, mainly for when you decide to all-in or get all-in'd.
I make no claim to be good at the game and cannot refund lost ELO. Try the build if you're curious.
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