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Ziggs Build Guide by Whulgorlum

Support The Ziggster's Icy Hextech Pulsebomb

Support The Ziggster's Icy Hextech Pulsebomb

Updated on February 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum Build Guide By Whulgorlum 5,689 Views 0 Comments
5,689 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum Ziggs Build Guide By Whulgorlum Updated on February 14, 2024
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Glacial Augment
Hextech Flashtraption
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band

+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

The Ziggster's Icy Hextech Pulsebomb

By Whulgorlum
Weird Glacial Tech
Did you know that Zigg's Satchel Charge is affected by Glacial Augment? If you jump away, you'll leave a Frosty Zone behind making it difficult for enemies to chase you down.

The other part of Satchel Charge and Glacial Augment is offensive, where you knock them forward into your tower or knock them back towards your team, away from their tower. Do they walk through the frozen zone or take the more predictable way around your hextechy frosty field?

This build is a SUPPORT build based around control, taking towers and wave management. Redemption becomes another AoE tool, like your Mega Inferno Bomb to manage waves, steal objectives and assist your teammates.

This build does consistent damage, but the only damage meters you'll be topping is the tower damage. ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Whulgorlum
Whulgorlum Ziggs Guide
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