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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Ibrahim Toroman

AP Carry This build can carry only 3 noobs!!!

AP Carry This build can carry only 3 noobs!!!

Updated on March 29, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ibrahim Toroman Build Guide By Ibrahim Toroman 3,503 Views 0 Comments
3,503 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ibrahim Toroman Heimerdinger Build Guide By Ibrahim Toroman Updated on March 29, 2015
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Threats & Synergies

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Ugly champ as fu**,but he still worth like you play with 2 or 3 champions instead of just one.
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Pros / Cons

Has amazing burst damage
has an aoe stun/slow
good wave clearing and amazing pushing with his turrets
has fairly good sustain with his passive
farm's easily
very very squishy
no natural escape options
he has a weird, weird afro
vulnerable to ganks
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Skill Sequence

helps you to stay in lane for al longer period of time ,its like a mini aegis
You want to max your q first as its your main damage tool and it can help the jungler and yourself to farm in the laning phase.try to always put all 3 turrets down and don't use em for wards, you should use your trinkets instead. I will cover the places you should ward in where to ward.if the opponent has a blink like leblanc or talon try to stay within your turrets to dissuade them as they will probably kill themselves. try to put 1-2 turrets down to help your jungler before heading to lane to set down some turrets. By the way, if the opposing team has a blizcrank, you may want to set 3 turrets in a cone formation to protect the buff.
ahh this skill, the burst potential on this skill is insane, you can deal so much damage especially when you ulti this skill. I take a point in this skill to harass your opponent in the laning ph*** sure to land these as they have crazy range and damage. Their only down size is that they are really hard to hit.
this skill is an aoe stun/slow it is really potent when it hits but is the most difficult skill on heimerdinger to land.try to ulti this skill and hit the entire enemy team with this in a teamfight.
this basically gives your other skills a massive boost. Putting down an ulti'ed q or e can change the course of an entire teamfight while an ultied w can allow you to easily busrst someone to death
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ibrahim Toroman
Ibrahim Toroman Heimerdinger Guide
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This build can carry only 3 noobs!!!

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