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Tryndamere Build Guide by Shit Tier Waifu

Other Trandmar The Warrior Train - a spiritual journey

Other Trandmar The Warrior Train - a spiritual journey

Updated on August 22, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shit Tier Waifu Build Guide By Shit Tier Waifu 3,490 Views 1 Comments
3,490 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Shit Tier Waifu Tryndamere Build Guide By Shit Tier Waifu Updated on August 22, 2015
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Hello there

Hello everyone, I have recently taken a liking to Trandmar The Warrior Train and have been climbing the esteemed ranks of Bronze. I have just achieved Bronze 2 and soon, so can you!
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How to play Trandmar

Trandmar, unlike many champions in this game, has an exceedingly high skill cap often overlooked by bronze degenerates. Tryndamere has many qualities that make him a very powerful champion such as the ability to one shot insignificant weaklings such as the entire enemy team. To play this champion, you must first discover your inner being, a good method for this is to go hiking in the Tibetan mountains and mug a monk. This method will allow you to realise how much of a scumbag you are, once this step has been done you are almost ready to play Trandmar The Warrior Train. First, go to your super market and purchase an entire chicken, take the chicken home and proceed to rip the stuffing out and lather it all over your body. Once this is done, use lard or butter to liberally soak your entire body, after this grab the chicken and attach bits of the chicken to various parts of your body, most notably the thighs to assert your manly meatiness. Now, you are ready to play Trandmar, go forth and crush their heads between your thighs.
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How to win with Trandmar

After following the steps as described above, you must then decide in what way you are going to crush the Untermensch be that in mid bottom jungle or top. I suggest going bottom since, if I have learned anything from anime, it is that a sword is always better than a gun therefore you will have the advantage in your lane. Your meatiness should always be accompanied by another champion that rivals your manliness and can crowd control the enemy, such as Taric, Braum or Leona since as we all know, Leona is more manly than half of the fuccboi champions in the game. In addition to this, there are more people to kill in bot lane therefore there is more money to be made and more infinity edges to be bought. You are advised to start Doran's blade first in order to give yourself some early sustain while increasing your damage. You may transition to boots but it is always better to save up for your infinity edge reagents since putting off buying your infinity edges is putting off your victory.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Shit Tier Waifu
Shit Tier Waifu Tryndamere Guide
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Trandmar The Warrior Train - a spiritual journey

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