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Ability Order
King's Tribute (PASSIVE)
Trundle Passive Ability
Pros: Fast and efficient jungler
Very good ganking
He is a troll
High damage with Rabid Bite
Cons: Mana hungry, this can be avoided be taking blue buff early game
Item dependant
Very good ganking
He is a troll
High damage with Rabid Bite
Cons: Mana hungry, this can be avoided be taking blue buff early game
Item dependant
greater mark of aclarity This is one of the better runes for Trundle becasue it allows him to make the best out of the life steal u get from Wriggle's Lantern so u dont have to buy anything else for life steal !!
greater seal of desolation Definitely a must for any jungler for better survibality in da jungle.
greater glyph of sheilding well this is against mages (obviously) which are mostly in any ranked game so it is good to have.
greater quintessence of desolation well i dont think there ia=s much to say about this, DAMAGE!!
greater seal of desolation Definitely a must for any jungler for better survibality in da jungle.
greater glyph of sheilding well this is against mages (obviously) which are mostly in any ranked game so it is good to have.
greater quintessence of desolation well i dont think there ia=s much to say about this, DAMAGE!!
As i have already said this build is all about Rabid Bite and how to use it well.
So this skill sequence is mainly about getting rabid bite for fast jungle and other skills either to gank well or to increase jungle speed.
This is trundles main damage tool, which will deal tons of damage even after use so it is well suited for either damaging opponents or make ur jungling life much easier.
This is the second best skill after rabide bite which can be used for awsome ganking and also for much faster jungling.
BEST GANKING AND SAVING ABILITY EVAARRR . This skill is so awsome, when u put it infront of somebody u are chasing wil not only slow him like hell but will make it (combind with contanimate) a very good chaser!! U can also use it to block of a enemy that is chasing u or ur team mate
So this skill sequence is mainly about getting rabid bite for fast jungle and other skills either to gank well or to increase jungle speed.
This is trundles main damage tool, which will deal tons of damage even after use so it is well suited for either damaging opponents or make ur jungling life much easier.
This is the second best skill after rabide bite which can be used for awsome ganking and also for much faster jungling.
BEST GANKING AND SAVING ABILITY EVAARRR . This skill is so awsome, when u put it infront of somebody u are chasing wil not only slow him like hell but will make it (combind with contanimate) a very good chaser!! U can also use it to block of a enemy that is chasing u or ur team mate
This item build is (like any othert jungle build) about getting an early wriggl's lantern and then carrying on with a tanky dps build.
This item is quite important to get, because it gives quite a lot of hp, making u more tanky and durable during team fights, it also gives u a bit ofa ad boost and the best thing is that every basic attack slows the enemy u are attacking which will allow the full use of Rabid Bite.
This is just to max out the extra damage dealt after using Rabid Bite
One thin to say... DAMAGE
This item is quite important to get, because it gives quite a lot of hp, making u more tanky and durable during team fights, it also gives u a bit ofa ad boost and the best thing is that every basic attack slows the enemy u are attacking which will allow the full use of Rabid Bite.
This is just to max out the extra damage dealt after using Rabid Bite
One thin to say... DAMAGE
this is one option to flash which i prefer more, because it doesnt have such a big cooldown and mixed with Contaminate it makes u verz fast at a lower cooldown then a flash + u dont need the flash for running u can just pop ur ghost and intercept the opponent that is chasing ur with ur Pillar of Filth.
As i have already said flash and u may take it instead of ghost but it has a higher cooldown and as trundle u dont really need it.
only one thing to say.... WTF
again u dont really need ignite becasue u can just pop ur ulty and it has a much better effect then ignite but it is an option to ghost
As i have already said flash and u may take it instead of ghost but it has a higher cooldown and as trundle u dont really need it.
only one thing to say.... WTF
again u dont really need ignite becasue u can just pop ur ulty and it has a much better effect then ignite but it is an option to ghost
Have ur teammate pull blue for u and then carry on to the wolfs and then wraiths big golem camp and finish up at the red buff after which u should be level 3 and either go back to base and buy something or gank a lane.
How :
Make sure u spam out ur Rabid Bite which will make it much easier and faster to jungle but dont spam too much so u get the benefit of the higher damage.
Ganking : Make ur way in by popping Contaminate and immediatelly put ur pillar of filth behin the person u are ganking which will make it very hard to get away and just use ur rabid bite to damage like sh**.
How :
Make sure u spam out ur Rabid Bite which will make it much easier and faster to jungle but dont spam too much so u get the benefit of the higher damage.
Ganking : Make ur way in by popping Contaminate and immediatelly put ur pillar of filth behin the person u are ganking which will make it very hard to get away and just use ur rabid bite to damage like sh**.
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