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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Her high range makes poking her very difficult, and her passive makes her hit hard on targets like TF. Even if you hit a gold card, if she has sufficient reactions she can E away and wait out the stun at a sufficiently safe distance while her support intervenes. If you are up against caitlyn, try to move TF to the mid lane and pick another support in champ select. Otherwise: opt for more tanky runes for a little extra survivability and rely on global pressure instead of lane kill pressure.
Champion Build Guide
1: It is really fun! If you're going to play support, might as well have some fun at it, and TF is a really fun champion!
2: You can confuse the opponents in champion select. TF support is not a mainstream pick, so picking it early gives your own midlaner a lot of useful leverage. You are one up on the enemy before you've even entered the rift!
3: You are a supportto your team, not just your carry, and TF excels at this mindset. Once you hit level 6, you can create kill pressure on the entire map, help out your jungler in an instant and ult in for a skirmish at rift Herald (name)! You can create leads for all your team members and create leads not in your lane, but in your game.
4: His level one stun creates great invasion potential, which, combined with ignite, could help set up an invade to put your jungler one up on the enemy.
5: Staying on his stun, there are a lot of advantages:
-Your stun-Q combination, together with some poke from your adc, is up every few seconds. You are godly at winning early lanes.
-On a similar note, your stun makes you a very dangerous target for a dive. A 1.25 second stun at level 3? Good luck trying to dive that.
6: You gain a lot more gold than any other support. This is for several reasons:
-Your passive allows you more gold from every (support item) stack that you cash in.
-Your global presence allows for more playmaking, which equals more assists, which equals more gold!
-You will almost always win lane, which allows you to cash in those early plates.
-Your blue card, which happens to be what we max (more on that later) triggers on turrets, meaning plates fall even faster, which means even more gold!
-Your stun is what makes you so strong as a support: it allows your Adc free timeto auto attack the opponent, as well as providing you two with safety.
-Your red card allows you to push up waves faster. Hit the caster minions every wave to push up the wave, and let your adc know of your strategy.
-When the wave is pushed in, the enemy adc will have to cc under turred. With your stun, you can systematically deny him/her every cannon minion! now that's a giant lead. You can do this on regular minions to, but make sure to do it on cannon minions.
-Your blue card allows you to both deal a lot of damage, have mana sustain, and take down turrets insanely fast!
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