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Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
O.k. I picked my runes to let you do more early and late. I take Greater Mark of Alacrity to make my early game attack speed do more, you need this beacuse with exspunge you want to deal more then they think! Also I take Greater Seal of Evasion to help you early and late, combined with your dodge masteries in early and late it will allow you to stay in a 1v1 longer. Next I take Greater Glyph of Replenishment for early game, As Twitch you should be ganking all the time, this will deplenish your mana bar fairly quickly so you need the extra little bit to help stick around longer.
Iteams Can vary with twitch. I always start the same but in the end I play differnt. Instead of a Blood Thirster you can always get a Banshees Veil, or a Frozen mallat. If your fighting a tanky team go for a last whisper before you buld the end of Infinty Edage. I think that a big problun is twitches health.... in the end you could build resits i guess but i think in a team fight if you time your pop up correctly right it's way more important to deal maxium damge to change the flow of the fight. If your fighting a Karthus you could get a Hexdrinker if hes being a big problum but it is a little iffy. And if your not feed get a brutilzer before your B.F. Sword.
Any twitch knows taht oracls are bad. They are only really usful on certin carictors, most tanks, carictors with cc, Phisical DPS. In my experince I would sa the most anonnying thing that can happen is a tryn with an oracal. I have not found a heavy counter to this yet except avoid him. Oracals are annoying but if you just hang in the back waiting they shouldint be able to foucus you.
Twitch has many enemies being the huge stinky rat he is. The carictors you need to be expetily carful of is Tryndarme, Pantheon, and Warwic. Luckly there is counters to all of them. Tryndmere is the worst, he can pop endless and kill you very very fast, wait untill he pops it and starts running before becoming uncloaking. With Pantheon he has a jump stun which is very bad for you, luckly this is easy you just wait for him to jump, DON'T EVER GO 1v1! The one exseption is if you can kill him very fast beacuse he's low. Warwic if he gets an oracal can be very dangres there are Three ways to counter this. First just have your team gank him to get off the oracl. Or put wards in the forest to find him and shut him down in the begining. Last a good twitch should avoid wandering around at half or below health, if you don't do this you will be fine
Twitch can be an amazing factor in a game, a bad twitch is vey bad to have on a team, infact mabye one of the worst things. But a good Twitch can carry a team and do more damage in a team fight than almost any other carictor. If you have decided to play him remember the to rules that I explane at the top. Well thank you for reading my build and leave comments below
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