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Twitch Build Guide by Klumpkurre

Twitch is The *****

Twitch is The *****

Updated on March 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Klumpkurre Build Guide By Klumpkurre 3,062 Views 0 Comments
3,062 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Klumpkurre Twitch Build Guide By Klumpkurre Updated on March 16, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


A first word

I haven´t played Twitch alot but i will update this guide when i find a good time to do it. And remember this is just a guide how I play Twitch, that meens you don´t have to play him exactly how I play him. I´m just giving you some tips i know about playing Twitch.
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You can be invisible for a long time
Hurt as hell mid
Team fight+ult=penta
Epic dot(deals 10 true damage at lvl 16)
Good hunter
Good on KS(I know it´s lovely)
good at farming
If you lane with another stealth champ(schaco, evelynn and more) You´r enemy will hate you and you can just screw ém up.

You are squishy don´t stand in the middle of team fights
Keep your mind on the invisible timer if you run out of that behind the enemy you are basically ***D
Watch out for invisible wards and champs with oracle elexir
Champs with abilitys which they only can use when a champ are close will notice you when you are close(but they can´t target you)
Don´t let the enemy hur*** you to har you don+t whatn to be low on health

I will update this when i notice anythin else
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These are the masteries i play with when i play Twitch. Why? Becouse they are bloody amazing. I don´t think you need to know so much but if you are low LvL(under 21) then just go with offense (but skipp demolitionist).
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Summoner spells

For summoner spells I chosed "Ghost" and "Exhaust". Why Ghost? I will tell you why. You know I like speed so if you are hunting? ghost. if you are escaping? ghost. Why not Flash do you think know am I right? The reason I don´t like flash on this champ is you can go inviseble but the most inportend of all YOU DON`T GO IN THE MIDDLE OF A TEAM FIGHT. And then when you died you will say: "But fiddlesticks did it". But you are not Fiddlesticks you are ******** Twitch so keep a distance in team fights. why "Exhaust"?. Exhaust really underestimated(btw if someone exhaust you then you press Q or you will have a surtain death). You will use this on Trynd, Yi, Olaf and other AD champs they will get **** up and whon`t do a **** load of damage to your team.
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For honest I don´t have this rune page, thats becuose I´m Broke 24/7. Yes it´s a pain in the ***, but luckely for me that Barrley don´t matter. Becouse I get kills with Twitch and I win the game. But this is why I chosed this runepage: Greater mark of desolation. Twitch is built on hi´s basic attack wich deals AD(attack damage). So I will make it simple for you(not becouse i think you´r dumb?). If you´r up against a tank with alot of armor and you have stacked your black cleaver to the max you will hurt even more. And you know what that mean EVEN MORE DAMAGE(you love that if you play Twitch). Greater Quintessence of Swiftness: You´r Twitch do I have to say anymore? ok apparently if you read this guide I do have to say it. Twitch Q make him invisible(look out for wards and mean guys with oracle elexir) for a duratation 10-50 sec based on which LvL it´s on. And if you will hunt the enemy down(You love to do that with Twitch) then basicly Boots of mobility+fantom dancer+Greater Quintessence of Swiftness=A hell of a fast Twitch. This will help you when you are escaping/switching lane. Greater Quintessence of Alacrity=attack speed attack speed+Twitch=Killingspree. And the armor/magic resist runes did I chose becose YOU NEED TO SURVIVE Twitch goes down in a matter of sec in a team fight(Trust me i lern this the hard way). So more armor/magic resist is good(saved my life a couple of times). And the mana regain glyph is becouse YOU will run out of mana in the begining, and trust me when you se 5 guys run after you and you remember your Q but you´r out of mana then you will feel like "RAGE QUIT". And that´s not good for anyone your team or you(don´t rage quit). And of course little more magic resist(I love magic resist).
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I hope this guide helped you. I know it´s short but I will extend it soon enough. REMEMBER THIS IS JUST A GUIDE YOU DON`T HAVE TO DO EXACTLY AS IT SAYS. Thank you for reading and please vot up if you like it and maybe wriht a comment. If you dislike then please commont on things I may fix. One more thing this is my first build se please be merciful on this guide

in game name "An FEEDER" yes it´s true... But it´s not as it sounds?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Klumpkurre
Klumpkurre Twitch Guide
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Twitch is The *****

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