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Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
If I did a Pentakill with this. Imagine what you can do with your Twitch.
Some tacticts for New Twitch players.
Sometimes the use of Ambush at the begging of the game allows you to scout for your team for the 10s of the stealth plus your Mana reg will allow you to cover alot in your lane or jungle.
But if you wanna be an offensive, instead of being alone in the map, choose explunge. This allows you to finish off enemys at a longer distance and its a great way to get the first blood.
ATTENTION: If you have a Soraka on your team, you are unstoppable!
Sometimes the use of Ambush at the begging of the game allows you to scout for your team for the 10s of the stealth plus your Mana reg will allow you to cover alot in your lane or jungle.
But if you wanna be an offensive, instead of being alone in the map, choose explunge. This allows you to finish off enemys at a longer distance and its a great way to get the first blood.
ATTENTION: If you have a Soraka on your team, you are unstoppable!
Just a heads-up.
Dont be afraid of buying items early like on the Boots.
The reason why you buy Life Steal before a BF Sword is because Twitch has a natural high-leveled Attack Damage, so you dont need to instantly buy AD Items.
But if you want to be more offensive with Twitch and make the enemy team surrender at 20 minutes, buy alot of AD but dont forget that you are a low-HP champion.
Just for an exemple that I saw with my team.
Twitch: (without red buff) 301 AD at level 15 Same build as Gangplank
Gangplank: (with red and blue buff) 301 AD at level 18 Same build as Twitch
Dont be afraid of buying items early like on the Boots.
The reason why you buy Life Steal before a BF Sword is because Twitch has a natural high-leveled Attack Damage, so you dont need to instantly buy AD Items.
But if you want to be more offensive with Twitch and make the enemy team surrender at 20 minutes, buy alot of AD but dont forget that you are a low-HP champion.
Just for an exemple that I saw with my team.
Twitch: (without red buff) 301 AD at level 15 Same build as Gangplank
Gangplank: (with red and blue buff) 301 AD at level 18 Same build as Twitch
Twitch has a fantastic suprise for enemy players: HIS ULTIMATE!
If you see a great team fight going on. Stealth your self. Use your ultimate and win that.
Why use this 2 abilitys for the Team fight?
The ambush gives you an addicional attack speed after leaving stealth mode.
And with the Ultimate's range and addicional AD no one stops you ;)
If you see a great team fight going on. Stealth your self. Use your ultimate and win that.
Why use this 2 abilitys for the Team fight?
The ambush gives you an addicional attack speed after leaving stealth mode.
And with the Ultimate's range and addicional AD no one stops you ;)
Ganking players with twitch is the most easiest thing ever, since he has the Ambush ability.
Allmost every player can be ganked by YOU! (Twitch)
If they try to escape just use your "Debilitating Poison", which slows your enemy and prolongs their poison stack for a short time, while doing addicional damage. Its great for not letting them escape.
Allmost every player can be ganked by YOU! (Twitch)
If they try to escape just use your "Debilitating Poison", which slows your enemy and prolongs their poison stack for a short time, while doing addicional damage. Its great for not letting them escape.
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