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Twitch Build Guide by SynysterShikari

Twitch, The Ownage Rat

Twitch, The Ownage Rat

Updated on August 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SynysterShikari Build Guide By SynysterShikari 2,163 Views 0 Comments
2,163 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SynysterShikari Twitch Build Guide By SynysterShikari Updated on August 24, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hello, I'm SynysterShikari, from Spain. I've been playing with Twitch for a very long time. I tried several builds, but that's the one that I finally use.
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The runes are bassically for increase your Attack Speed, for blues and yellows, reds for Armor Penetration (two of them for increase a little bit your Crit. Chance) and Quints for increase your Critical Damage.
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I use that Masteries tree (21/0/9), but if you prefer, you can use another one that you want. I take that I think the most useful points in Attack for Twitch, but in Utility you can take what you want.
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I start buying my Doran's Blade. Then, if I need to go back too early, bring the basic boots. If not, I wait until I can buy the Mobility Boots. Then, I take 2 Avarice Blades not for the gold, because only 1 of them gives me moro gold, only for Crit. Chance. After that, I buy the B. F. Sword for start buying the Infinity Edge, that will make me attack with critical hits around 500 damage. After, I take Zeal and next the Phantom Dancer. Then, I sell my two Avarice Blades and when I have enough gold, I buy the two Bloodthirsters and charge them to the top. Finally, I sell the Doran's Blade and I buy my Black Cleaver.
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Skill Sequence

You need learn Ambush at lvl 1 for a possible surprise attack to get the 1st blood. Then, the best option is improve your Expugne, because it will make a great damage on low level enemies. At lvl 4 a take the Debilitating Poison. When I learn my ulti, I still improving my Ambush. When I raise me Expugne to the top, still improving the Ambush until it takes lvl 5. Then, Debilitating Poison.
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Summoner Spells

I take basically Flash, for make the escape easier, and Ignite, that makes a great combo with the Twitch's poisons.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SynysterShikari
SynysterShikari Twitch Guide
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Twitch, The Ownage Rat

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