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Twitch Build Guide by Mr.Twich

Twitch- The Poisoner

Twitch- The Poisoner

Updated on September 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr.Twich Build Guide By Mr.Twich 2,918 Views 0 Comments
2,918 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr.Twich Twitch Build Guide By Mr.Twich Updated on September 17, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Introduction-1st Guide

Hello fellow summoners this is my first guide and would like to make more.Well my name is MR.TWICH and Twitch is a very unique rat cause he poisons champions just like teemo.
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Runes-Critical Speed

Well for twitch I did some stuff and found out he needs speed and lots of it, so for the best match you should get the Greater Quintessence of Alacrity, Greater Glyph of Focus, Greater seal of Furor, and the Greater Mark of Desolation.

All of this gives you Attack Speed, Critical Hit, Cooldown Reduction, and armor penetration.

You can put these in any order you want but i recommend keeping Attack Speed
as the Quintessence you will see if you don't pick it.
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Masteries-Rat Destoryer or Safe Route

Well if you have seen most guides they look exactly alike cause this mastery build is the one of the best for killing enemy champions.

So if you are interested in killing enemy champions you should get it, If you don't like to kill enemy champions (playing it safe cause your a squishy) you should put everything on defense except the attack speed, attack damage and Summoner's Wrath on Offense.
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Items-Speed and Damage off the Charts

I start off with a Dagger to increase my speed you could get a potion with that but i don't.After that I build more speed with the Berserker's Greaves.As your speed grows you should be aware that you will be able to kill your enemies with ease. After that you will get Phantom Dancer to increase your movement, your Attack Speed, and your Critical.After you get that you should go straight toward damage but don't forget that speed, so we should get the Black Cleaver.After you get this you should be able to kill anyone if they are not fed and the game should be over by the time you are getting your second Phantom Dancer but if it is not get more Damage with the Infinity Edge.If enemies are very armored up get the and you are having a difficult time, get the Last Whisper if they are still dieing without difficulty get the Banshee's veil.Then to Finish get the Odyn's Veil to be the one of the best Twitchs on the battle field.
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Skill Sequence-Very Poisoning Death

Well you need to get the EXPUNGE finished before anything else.You should have AMBUSH done before Level 12.And then get the VENOM CASK.
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Summoner Spells

Ambush - A great move to get behind the enemy and kill them with the element of surprise this is also a great way to get away from enemies.
Venom Cast - Made to slow down enemies for you or for others and poisoning them at the same time.
Expunge - Poisons your enemy is you have thrown your Venom Cast on them or shoot them with your arrows.
Spray and Paint - Increases your range and goes through the enemy damaging enemies behind the enemy.
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