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Twitch Build Guide by zarsis1992

Twitch- The smell of defeat.

Twitch- The smell of defeat.

Updated on August 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zarsis1992 Build Guide By zarsis1992 1,938 Views 0 Comments
1,938 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zarsis1992 Twitch Build Guide By zarsis1992 Updated on August 14, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Pros and Cons

Pros: Amazing damage.
Extremely Deadly
Pain in the lane
Does well in ranged 1v1

Cons: Still squishy
Tends to get focused alot
Gets yelled at by the other team ;)
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This Build will teach you how to build Twitch to do the maximum attack damage available. Guaranteed to work if you use twitch in the suggested manners.
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For runes i go Attack Damage Marks for the early harassment ability. I use dodge seals so you are able to dodge what attacks you may receive. I also use Critical Chance Glyphs as to increase that early and later game deadliness. Attack Damage Quints for obvious reasons ;D
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Use Brawler's Gloves at the start to give you enough crit early to make yourself a potential death trap. Continue the zeal till you have it to create a base for all that criting damage you are going to do. Boots of Mobility so that when your being a little bad *** traveling invisibly, you can get anywhere as fast as you can. Once you achieve the Black Cleaver, you can start doing ALOT of damage. Each auto attack will seem to be like a miniature nuke. The final and most important item, is The Bloodthirster. The Bloodthirster will be the key in all of your survivability. The stacking lifesteal and the overall damage will make you an elite in laneing. After you get these 4 items, everything is just added bonus. Feel free to exploit other items such as Stark's Fervor or Trinity Force. The recomended items I have put down are for maximum damage.
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Skill Sequence

Max out Expunge as early as possible. This will be your bread in butter as you kill-steal/finish off enemies in 1v1 fights. Ambush MUST be at least level 2 before you can go invisible with enough duration to comfortably gank your enemies. Twitch is simple as follows: auto-attack to stack poison and then hit E. = win. DO NOT use expunge until it does enough damage to kill or get close to a kill. After all, no one likes a kill stealer ;) Use Spray and Pray out of invis for maximum damage and poison spreading. After that just use your E. Your ultimate increases your auto-attack range, but it also turns it into a skill shot. So use it when someone is to far from you, but dont use it when they are running by you cause you will just waste your only 5 shots with it.
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Summoner Spells

Ghost is used for quick escapes or for invisibly chasing a fleeing enemy. Ignite is used for the obvious, finishing off a quick enemy. Twitch however, is very versatile in the he can use almost any summoner spell to its fullest. Flash, Teleport, Cleanse and Heal etc. are always a good way to go!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zarsis1992
zarsis1992 Twitch Guide
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Twitch- The smell of defeat.

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