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Twitch Build Guide by glorgoc

Twitch use of powerful poison

Twitch use of powerful poison

Updated on November 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author glorgoc Build Guide By glorgoc 2,716 Views 0 Comments
2,716 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author glorgoc Twitch Build Guide By glorgoc Updated on November 23, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Twitch is a great champion and very under used. He is an unbeatable snowball champion and when used right can out wit anyone.
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Runes are very simple. I want more AD!!! Thats it. Nothing else to say.
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Masteries are 21/9/0. I go into defense enough to reduce dmg from those. OP minions.
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Items are as fallows. 1st get dorans blade. It is a great beginning tool. Don't put your self behind by getting boots and 3 pots. It doesnt work. Next should be Berzerkers greives. Your first main item if your getting fed will be PD. If not Then get Zeal followed by IE or Bloodthirster. IF you are behind the other AD carry then get IE before PD, and BT.

Your items should be: Berzerkers, Black Cleaver, Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, and either Gaurdian Angel or Banshee Vail.

BV and GA depend on if your getting focused, Strong AP killing you, or going against CC. Get GA only if you are getting heavily focused. Otherwise always get BV.
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Skill Sequence

So for skill sequence Master E first. This allows you to expunge and do massie dmg. This also allows you to poke the enemy carry/ support. Usually pple say to max Ambush next. I play TW differently than most. I max Venom Cast 2nd because I do more dmg and the heavy slow. I will have PD early if fed so i can out run them as they are fleeing.

Focus your early game on poking the enemy ad carry with auto attk and "E" at lvl 1. At lvl 2 you can now lead with "W" auto attk once or twice then "E". This is a heavy poke and can quickly make them retreat. I usually last 8 to 10 minutes with dorans and berzerkers. So learn TW and poke heavy.
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Summoner Spells

Exhaust and Ignite

You have PD so you can catch up to them by using exhaust. Ignite is used to finish them off. Especially early game to get fed. SNOWBALL!!!

You can get flash but I always say, "NOOBS USE FLASH!!"

Another great spell is heal with ignite. with this you can fake retreat and heal. Then blow them away. I usually dont get heal because your support should have healing spells or heal for their summoner spell.
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Ummmm. This is my very first posting. Do not be harsh and look at it closely
I will put videos up when I learn how. TW is great and If you like playing aggressive and not running away (like most twitches do) and want to be a good teammate, Pick TW and follow my guide.

TY so much
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League of Legends Build Guide Author glorgoc
glorgoc Twitch Guide
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Twitch use of powerful poison

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