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Twitch Build Guide by TeemoTwitch

AD Carry Twitching behind enemy lines

AD Carry Twitching behind enemy lines

Updated on October 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoTwitch Build Guide By TeemoTwitch 1,546 Views 0 Comments
1,546 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoTwitch Twitch Build Guide By TeemoTwitch Updated on October 29, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Twitch
  • LoL Champion: Twitch


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Team Work

It takes practice but with this build and these runes You will play a vital role in your team as both an assassin and a harrasser. Benefits to twitch are you will force the enemy team to spend money on oracles elixers and vision wards, focus on those players as when you kill them they lose out on that expensive potion. Many people overlook twitch because he is slow and easily ganked...Wrong! Twitches invisibility makes him by far one of the hardest characters to kill and for that he is great at backdooring and pushing creeplines. Coordinate with your allies to make a distraction mid or top while you backdoor Bot. His Ult allows him to engage turrets from out of range and can take out one turret at full health with 3 ults(at lvl 18).
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This is very important, Attack speed runes are a must must must so that you wont need to purchase items in game for attack speed. Another awesome passive of Twitch is he gains attack speed after leaving stealth. Use this to your advantage and focus AD not AS and movement speed like so many try to do. If you build a twitch for attack speed youll only end up with High DOT and many failed ganks. Twitch is also very squishy, so if you are not a very skilled player at avoiding damage while simultaneously attacking and moving you will want to build him slightly tanky and use a 21 9 0 mastery page vs my 30 0 0 on this build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TeemoTwitch
TeemoTwitch Twitch Guide
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Twitching behind enemy lines

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