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Garen Build Guide by Cockpit Pants

Uber Cooldown/Tank

Uber Cooldown/Tank

Updated on August 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cockpit Pants Build Guide By Cockpit Pants 3,155 Views 0 Comments
3,155 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cockpit Pants Garen Build Guide By Cockpit Pants Updated on August 7, 2011
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50 Second Ult Cooldown

One of Garen's biggest strengths is the fact that he doesn't use mana. Making him great for holding lanes. I went with the standard Garen tank build for a while, but I've had a little more success with a little different item build. Garen's ultimate is pretty amazing. In fact all of his attacks are. But it can get a little annoying waiting for them to cool off. So, I've come up with a pretty good item build that will have you dealing great damage, having over 4000 health, and most importantly, using your abilities extremely often.
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This is the real key to the guide. Start out with Doran's Shield for obvious reasons. Ionian boots is the next step. Along with increased movement speed (which makes a huge difference with your decisive strike) you'll already have a nice cooldown reduction. Sword of the Occult will provide you with a great deal of damage as long as you can stay alive. That should be easier with the next item. Warmog's Armor is where the tanking comes in. It gives a huge boost to health and health regen right off the bat. And its passive (which does not lose stacks upon death) will give you a ton of health. Yomuu's Ghostblade will reduce your cooldowns even farther. Frozen Mallet will boost your attack up even more. And of course at some point you can get rid of Doran's Shield in favor of a more powerful item.The build here has you buying a second Warmog for ultimate tanking. You could also go with another damage item. End result will be well over 4000 health, closing escape speed, great health regen, and your cooldowns will be ridiculously fast. You can ultimate about every minute racking up the kills, feeding your Mogath and Occult stacks. I've had great success with the build. Let me know if it works out for you or if you have any improvements.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cockpit Pants
Cockpit Pants Garen Guide
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Uber Cooldown/Tank

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