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Vayne Build Guide by Etrn

ADC Vayne-Kenshiro Hokuto late game w madness

ADC Vayne-Kenshiro Hokuto late game w madness

Updated on June 28, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Etrn Build Guide By Etrn 1,453 Views 0 Comments
1,453 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Etrn Vayne Build Guide By Etrn Updated on June 28, 2020
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Runes: Lethal Tempo Hokuto Runes

Lethal Tempo
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Summoner spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

Vayne-Kenshiro Hokuto late game w madness

By Etrn
Hello there! I am a 2m+ mp Vayne player and this is my favourite build. Since it has no coverage, I decided to make a guide about it.
This guide is not meant to be a complete Vayne guide, but only an explanation of this build, so I will write about the philosophy behind this build and its nuances.
If you are somehow an anime fan, you know who Kenshiro is, what is the Sacred School of Hokuto, and what Vayne's W does to enemies when Attack Speed (AS) scales up, you might have completely guessed. If not, sit back, relax, and enjoy the explanation :)

Here is an example of what the build can do against a tank:
Who and what Kenshiro and the Sacred School of Hokuto are
It would be impossible to show who Kenshiro is with a clip without becoming a PEGI 18 guide (Edit: actually I found a clip, which you will find in the section below). This is why I will attach the wikipedia entry for this character. TLDR; Kenshiro is a fictional character starring in the manga Hokuto no Ken. He is a warrior, a martial artist and the heir of the Sacred School of Hokuto (wikipedia about it later). In the canon, Kenshiro is literally the incarnation of the God of Death and, at the same time, the savior of humanity in a post nuclear war world.
Kenshiro kills his enemies using a blindingly fast burst of attacks (Attack Speed), each of them hitting pressure points (W), making the enemies explode from the inside.
TLDR; until I will have more time
I will develop this guide further when I will have more time, but until then I feel compelled to explain in few words how to manage the build.
The very TLDR; is that Lethal Tempo allows you to break the maximum attack speed limit and for this reason, this build stacks up as much AS as possible. This is used to proc Vayne's W as much as possible.
Early game you play Vayne safe, but the runes setting allows you to have both a surprisingly good poke (with the combination of Q, sudden impact and bonus runes) and retreat, after lethal tempo is activated.
In mid game, you want to be very mobile and boots will be essential. After closing BOTRK and Berserker you can team fight even more and begin to farm the jungle. After closing Guinsoo, dueling tanks will become much more easier.
After Guinsoo you can choose between Wit's End or Phantom Dancer. I prefer the former, because of the healing and the magic damage, which combines well with this setup.
After you get phantom dancer, you are the God of Death.
At some point, you may want to have a Quicksilver, but if you can close the build with Runaan, your attack speed will be so fun to play with.
For the full playstile, check the video below:
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Etrn
Etrn Vayne Guide
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Vayne-Kenshiro Hokuto late game w madness

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