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Runes: Criminal
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
The Black Market
This build violates the Geneva Conventions thus making you a war criminal. I repeat a war criminal, build this at your own safety. Irelia E and R has AP scaling and her Q deals on-hit damage. This is AP On-Hit Irelia.
First of all it gives AP as an item and as a passive. Second of all it gives omnivamp (healing while damaging) as an item and as a passive so you be healing while your enemies be dying.
Deals on-hit damage, every third auto dealing bonus magic damage and you get 10% life steal. You are a self sufficient medic. The CIA is currently hunting you as you continue to read this
Nashor's Tooth & Wits End
The pair of items give you attack speed, one gives you AP , other gives you MR but both deal bonus ap/magic on-hit damage. The bonus damage would be like you attacking (maybe killing) a medic or an unharmed person. You war criminal
Guinsoo Rageblade
Imma be real, I don't know why you build this item unless for the on-hit damage. You'd probably be better off building Deathcap, Spirit Visage or GA. Well, beggars can't be choosers
Black Market
Disclaimer: JDF holds no part in your trail for violating the Geneva Conventions. This is a heinous act punishable immensely aka 200 years. Either use the legal build or become illegal and go balls to the wind. The choice is yours.
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