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What Champions Should i play? Top Champions- patch 5.6

What Champions Should i play? Top Champions- patch 5.6

Updated on April 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr Dr Snugglez Build Guide By Mr Dr Snugglez 91,204 Views 8 Comments
91,204 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr Dr Snugglez Build Guide By Mr Dr Snugglez Updated on April 15, 2015
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General Comments About this guide and my contact

This guide does not say how to play these champions. I am just listing them and giving reasons why I think they are very strong at the moment. Touching on their strengths and weaknesses. I am not including builds or counter play or anything in this guide.

If you want any of that please contact me with a request and I will be happy to help.

Also since i am releasing this slightly prematurely and only based on assumptions and pbe results it will be changed as things progress. If anybody believe champions should be added or removed please don't hesitate to give you imput.

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Changes from 5.4 to 5.5
Instead of listing what these do, im gonna suggest you don't be a lazy *** and open the patch notes page to read the changes.


Azir slight buff - may turn out to be good, im not sure right now
Urgot buffs= w/e crabs are lame
Trundle - slight buffs may turn out op
Shyvana buffs - going into the must play list
Kassadin buffs - god i hope they aren't enough to put this **** back in the meta.
gragas - slight w buff and more starting mana doesn't change much
Zac buffs - JUNGLE ME
sona- slight buffs
veigar - buffs to new veigar. may make him work
xin zhoa - slight buffs to w and e
Sweeping lens - 15 seconds longer cd
Righteous glory - throwing on another 150 hp- truly the meta of hp stacking.


Nidalee - nerfs to W - hurts when stacking hp on junglers is good now.
vi - ulti dmg nerf


Nautilous - the real buff is the cinderhulk item being thrown in.


Bami's Cinder
Luden's Tempest aka New Statis Shiv for mages'
Cinderhulk Enchantment-aka-The new cool toy to have in the jungle

These items together completely change the game.
I touch more on them and there results here(Guide to be uploaded soon!) But if you want a tldr. The new jungle item gives a F*&K load of hp and the new mage item does flat damage, making stacking hp even better against it when the old mange item, Deathfire Grasp, did %damage.
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Noteable Changes from 5.5 to 5.6

don't be a lazy *** i don't feel like repeating the notes ;)
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List of Top Tier Champions (Opinion)










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Removed Champions - Added Champions - AND WHY!

Maokai added for jungle

Nautilus added for support

Cho-gath deleted from jungle
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Contingency picks

There are some champions that aren't necessarily good but do well countering or synergizing with some champs making them excel in certain cituations.

- jarvan is a good pick when your team has aoe damage. Like rumble or velkoz. So if you have champs like that on ur team he is a good pick.
Pantheon is particularly good against leblanc, zed, and kassadin. When they come in you hit them with an unmissable W. and then they should die to your team.
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Bard - he's not out hard to analyze

Azir - this really is to be determined. I could easily see azir being played minimally or pick up like crazy from this change. He got base attack speed and his soldiers now pierce less but have a larger attack range.

Skarner has been getting slight buffs now for a while and i think he may be sleeper op. I saw a lvl4 skarner solo dragon the other day, I'm just not quite convinced he's good or not yet and in my last 10 solo q games I've gotten jungle zero times so its hard to experiment.

Trundle wrecks tanks right, tanks are coming back right? we may be seeing trundle in the future. Top lane to counter Sion. #hp and #mr and #armor drain could be really nice. Also its a very strong duelist in the jungle.

rammmus Tanks are strong in the jungle right now, and rammus is getting a slight buff. He may be a great solo que champion right now. I'll have to test some builds before im sold tho.
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List of champions others find good that i disagree with


why? because reksai isn't very strong in a teamfight, she has only one pop up and then some damage. this means that if you build tank you don't do any damage and if you build damage and anybody cc's you then you just die. I feel like reksai is only truely good as a split pusher in the mid/late game and that is often too hard to pull off in solo que.
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Top Laners

Irelia as all of us solo que players know can carry games. Her lane phase is safe and she does well when a jungler comes to gank for her. 2 second stun on a 4/5 second cooldown is aggrevating. Her ulti does suprising damage and her true damage is great. As soon as she hits a trinity force she can start steamrolling. Toss in that she cannot be cc'd and is super easy to last hit with. definitely top tier in the right hands.With the 5.5 changes she is still good. She can build BORK and this versatility keeps her in my top tier list.
Kennen is very strong right now, He is easy to lane has a single target stun every 10 seconds, has tank stats when he e's, and his ultimate can stun every member on the enemy team, as well as you can use your W while ulting. He can just run to the backline stunning people along the way and then kill the enemy adc. With only one skillshot he is super strong

The horse man is good right now, While he can be a little tougher to lane if you just q and auto for trades your normally fine. Where i think this guy shines is in two places. One is in teamfights and the other is his pushing and roam power. He can get on your carries very easily and crush them. Way too tanky and way too much damage and way too fast. As well he pushes lanes crazy fast and if he gets closed on he just runs away stupid fast. So hard to lock down and catch.

Sion is a lane bully and a brick wall, If built and runes correctly also does massive daamge. Its just stupid really. He is never a bad pick. He has engage, he can escape ganks with his ulti, and his E harass in lane is ridiculous. He also gets free health. Its very common for sions to get up to 600+ free health from his w passive. The only downfall of sion is it can often be hard to get to the enemies backline in a teamfight. So if vayne is on that enemy team you may be hurting. But if your a beast and get fed then even vayne will kill herself on your thornmail before you die.

Shyvana is one of my personal favorite, I have the frost skin. She, like heacim pushes lanes really well. While she doesn't do as much daamge to squishies she hits tanks where it hurts. She was first OP when her e got changed to do %max hp on hit and tanks were popular. Now tanks will be popular again and her E just got buffed. with the new patch shyvana with smite tp top lane is just so dumb. U just run into the enemy jungle and bully their jungler and steal all the camps. its ridiculous.

While gnar has fallen off a little he is still really strong. his laning is a bit weaker but you can always play it safe and boomerang farm then just build tank and still do ridiculous amount of damage. Especially in 5.5 with the new junglers being op for stacking health gnar W in small form will be op.
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Mid Laners

This guy is super good, his only downside is mobility so divers can get on you a little, but if you position properly its no problem. His range and damage is stupid. Just absolutely "balanced".

Leblanc isn't your hard teamfight carry, but i've seen some people make her so. You basically kill your lane opponent. Then if you know how to ward and read a map you go single out people around the map and kill them as well. I don't personally play Leblanc, but I've been hit with **** loads of damage by her and the few times I've played her i did really well even though idk how.

Again, kennen OP - i suggest arctic skin

What can i say? This dudes just way too strong right now, Put a ROA on him and crush. He has way too much health with max stax and at max cooldown its like 45 seconds. He also has a super long silence, great minion clear, and and aoe knock up. in mid and late game every rupture should be a kill on the enemy mid laner if your ulti is up. His only downfall is he can get ganked semi easily. But if he was mobile league of legends players would give a new meaning to the word riot. Oh and in addition, solo que woes when your jungler misses the baron and dragon smite correct? Not when your playing cho gath. secure that S*&T no problem.

I've always liked malzhar, but now with the new changes i can toss him into my list. Basically with junglers stacking hp his W will be more valuable. he also has an aoe silence, when there aren't many silences left in the game. He can push a lane without even being in it and is one of the few mid laners that can sti ll farm jungle camps due to voidling. His ultimate is great for catches. A good malzahar can shove lane and get wards out controlling the map with his 1 combo pressure. A GREAT malzahar can use his voidlings to block skillshots even ;)

Kassadin is back baby! He got nerfed then nobody played him, Now he's been tweaked. So before when u had a 3/4 second riftwalk that went stupid far it was op. Now you have a 1.2 second riftwalk that goes 200 range less. BUT ITS STILL A 1.2 SECOND RIFTWALK RIOT. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. I've personally been on a tour to riot games and they do have alcohol there. So im pretty sure whoever made this change was drunk. And probably a monkey. In fact i think i found of a picture of the team who did this.
Check out this kassadin play if you don't think he's strong

On a more serious note, the lower cooldown isn't the worst part about kassadin. But they also made his ultimate cost less mana, so now after four or five casts it costs 800 to use instead of 960. Which 160 mana is kind of a lot. So yeah. a spammable low cd ultimate. #riotplease

I feel like the reduced mana on ziggs q combined with the unholy grail and athene's buff is just what ziggs needs to be viable. I always liked ziggs. he has great zone in a teamfight and massive damage if you can land bombs. as well his auto attack passive can be niiiice. I foresee him being much stronger now.
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Everybody knows vi's R makes her really good. But what you don't realize is if you max q that **** will hit for 600 damage and if they clump it hits everybody. You can literally Q, E, E and do 1k damage to 5 people if they are all humping each other. With the new patch her W % damage will be even more valuable against enemy junglers now as well.

Sejuani - sejuani is sleeper op, her w does tons of damage and she gets really tank with an aoe slow, a knockup, and oh baby that ultimate. with the new 5.5 jungle item. Like play sejuani. It doesn't get much better than her.

Cinderhulk is op on tanks, he's a beast tank. His damage is stupid good. he stops a whole bunch of damage from your team. His passive makes him stupid tanky in teamfights. his ganks are balls good, and his saplings make for sick scouts. He just literally does it all right now.

Nautilus is just a walking ball of cc. I'm not sure exactly how strong he will be with the changes, but i feel that transferring damage from his shield to his E will be a great help. As well the last buffs he got with the new jungle item should be sufficient enough to keep a shield up mid/late game. He should clear fine and be able to lvl3 gank. And his ganks are epic. Especially with a slow smite to ensure hooks. mmmm

Zachary..... sounds like the name of a hurricane, which is very fitting giving he will jump in bounce stuff around and then leave a couple puddles when he is done. In all seriousness this guy will be able to clear jungle with good hp left over and at good speeds. He can remove skuttle mr and armor. He does good damage, has good initiation, super hard to kill oh and with the new patch he stacks health and thats exactly what you want to be doing.
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HE does so much damage with the same items as other champions. While he isnt mobile with dashes he is super fast. His ulti is good and his e can be clutch. But above all holy F*&K that damage.

Jinx shreds objectives. Lets you do barons and dragons in a jif. Also super mega death rocket can pick up kills on stragglers as well as rockets op aoe dmg in teamfights. Her slow can set up skillshots and her traps can be really nice against and with ganks.

My support sucks..... shes trying to suicide... SAVED. well thats annoying as hell to play against. Her mobility makes her a really hard adc to kill if played right as well.

Short range is meh, but buckshot is nice in lane and he can finish kills with his R nicely. But mostly ******** about graves. Smokescreen. I HATE GETTING SMOKESCREENED. OMG. turns a great player into a blind player. smokescreen and flash over a wall or dash into the brush and when they are out they dunno what happened. Its like every graves is Houdini or something.

her damage is suprisingly good. Her ulti we all know is good. and her spelshields ability to block multiple spells at once is great vs an uncordinated team who stacks cc. I think her safeness in lane and her ability to notify your teammates when to engage by hitting r is great for solo q.

Its simple here, kog maw shreds tanks and tanks are going to be quite often. As well kogmaw isn't bad in lane at all, his auto trades with w are great and his ulti hurts. If you've ever seen a kog maw max E in lane you know how strong it can be.
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There is no counterplay besides cleanse, who nobody takes, and qss who nobody buys. You just flash tibber and win. And her roam is fantastic as well. Flash w lvl3 mid and snowball the game. also her auto attack range is ridiculous for lane. I've seen people take +20 ad lvl1 on annie support and just auto attack the enemy adc out of lane. ridiculous.

Thresh hooks can be just as good as blitz if your team is more poke oriented. Flays troll SOO many skills. so many jumps and dashes get wrecked by thresh. Box zones well and lantern can help a HAM teammate who got caught out.

we all know if you can land those fists you win games. Hook and kill their adc. Roam and kill their mid. THen top. Then mid then top. you get the picture.

he is super tanky, he does simlar to what thresh does, just not over walls. His ultimate is great for catches and teamfights. oh and his E does insane amounts of dmage. Seriously just even as support before defenses his E can easily get over 1k dmg in a teamfight.

How about that cc. mmmmmm. Eat it enemy team. Leona's engage potential makes her very strong. As well as great for catching and adds another tank to a team, where in solo que its often th at you won't have one because everybody wants to be the carry. While she can often be hard to do well in lane with, because there isn't that much synergy in low tier solo que between adc and support, if your jungle comes and you land your skills there is profit to be had. As well with the current support roam solo q meta she's one of the betters.

Morgana is strong for four reasons. Her q is FOREVER. Her black shield protects the ADC from cc's(crowd controls) very useful against blitz and thresh and well, all cc's. Fourthly her ultimate, we all know what it does and it's potential with a zhonyas. Lastly her w with that gold item. I'm too lazy to look it up, but you know the one. Its free cash monies in lane. Every W is like winning a contest of yo momma with wimer Valderamma.
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Speaking of Cash money....


VwS will be providing me with RP and Gear to do giveaways on my stream. The first giveaway will be at 150 followers. I'm 18 away. So if your interested in free stuff go follow my stream and follow me on twitter for anouncements of when the giveaways will be happening.

Update, I already did my first giveaway, but there will be more to come periodically. And the more people that watch the more giveaways there will be. So come check me out!
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Thanks for reading <3

Hope this helps you out. Remember these champs are in my opinion the top Tier champs in each lane.

If you want any of that please contact me with a request and I will make a guide for your specific inquisition. Please Comment and Upvote!!!
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