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Ability Order
Cosmic Creator (PASSIVE)
Aurelion Sol Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Early Game: Playing against Akshan is difficult as he can easily trade, roam, escape, and harrass you. You only win lane against him if you skill gap him heavily. Eventually you will be able to 1v1 him, but not if he ruins your laning phase. When roaming, he will try to follow you so always gtfo after 10 seconds into the gank Mid/Late: Akshan becomes a priority target along with adc as with his passive he can revive his teammates, making whatever objective you fight for all the more difficult. However, Akshan at even gold is a small threat to your team and can pop extremely easy compared to other adcs like Lucian and Varus. You only need to worry about the early game and you'll be fine.
The Synergy bit is less about the champions you work with, but rather the players you work with. Cooperation is pretty important playing with ASol or against him, so try to ping with your team, talk in chat about your plans, and try to be the tilt proof companion.
The Synergy bit is less about the champions you work with, but rather the players you work with. Cooperation is pretty important playing with ASol or against him, so try to ping with your team, talk in chat about your plans, and try to be the tilt proof companion.
Champion Build Guide
This guide has been created in order to teach others on how to play Aurelion Sol, one of the lowest pick rate champions to date. If there was a champion that needed a guide, it would most definitely be ASol due to his nieche atypical playstyle, strange moveset, and difficult micro and macro gameplay.
This guide will be very straightforward and will have less filler compared to other guides.
This will sound unappealing to the large majority of the playerbase as the learning curve is a wasteland between newbie and one tricks but know this: If you do manage to learn Aurelion Sol, he will almost guarantee diamond as he will actively teach you some of the most important macro & micro strategies in the game!
All in all, he is a a mid laning roaming mage with strong aoe, cc, dps, and map influence all of which are dependant on his macro and posititioning
+ Incredible DPS AOE battlemage when positioned optimally + Can out-dps any mage in a teamfight under same gold circumstance + One of the game's best CC champions in teamfights + Can roam instantly lv3 + Cannot be outroamed if ASol gets lane priority + Deceptively slippery due to the movement speed and how he generally builds tankier than other mages + Strong wave clear and anti-siege + Very few bans against asol + Very few know how to deal with a good asol + If done right he can almost never be pushed into a 1v9 situation because he is basically a 2nd jgler creating more chances for a carry + 3rd ability can be used as a get-out-of-jail-free card when outpositioned ( countered by damage over time though aka: ignite, brand, teemo ) + Lv 1 can trade with anyone except adc mids + Strong sieging combos |
- Incredibly difficult to position effectively - Some combos are incredibly difficult to execute - Can struggle to gain prio on lane against very mobile champions (akali, zed, etc) - Weird playstyle - Has little solo carry potential and relies on him ganking others to get him or his team ahead - Generally unsayisfying kills - Can feel terrible being useless against a fed assasin - Dying is much more frustrating - Against certain aggressive counters, Asol will almost never get to roam, making one of his abilities nearly useless |
- It provides health which is important for all mid range mages as they will survive much better,
- Provides mana sustain which is important for the somewhat spammy playstyle of ASol,
- Provides much needed scaling so Aurelion doesn't rely on item spikes heavily,
- Provides dmg to keep Aurelion afloat throughout the game.
2nd ability Astral Flight is your main dps, and the hardest part about ASol. Positioning is key and failing to move effectively will make you useless.
3rd ability Singularity is your roaming ability and is what makes Aurelion difficult to 1 trick. It is extremely underrated as it provides more macro movement than any other ability, including Twisted Fates Ultimate. Using it in a duel is also really useful as it can quickly reposition you away from a difficult spot, but must be timed properly as taking dmg will make you unable to reposition/get away. Level up will improve Speed, Distance, and Cooldowns.
4th ability Falling Star is your Get-Off-Me or your AOE burst. Difficult to use effectively, but doing so will help you tremendously in any situation
If you do plan on it, lv up 3rd ability through several criteria (doesn't matter when after lv 3): Do you need to roam asap? Is your comet off cooldown? Do you need it soon or later? etc. This will be learned as you play the champion so stick to the above until you get the feel for the timing of 3rd
First Three Waves
To roam as Aurelion Sol, there are several things that must be thought out:
- Do you have lane priority?
- Can you shove lane?
- How urgent is the roam?
- Where are both of the Junglers?
- Will this be a 4v3? 3v3? 2v3?
- How much impact will my roam have?
- Will I meet the enemy jungler while roaming?
- Will my jungler help when I roam?
- Will your enemy laner follow? (how well can enemy laner waveclear?)
- How much vision does your team have?
- Is the enemy sidelaner vulnerable?
- Are the laners fighting, or are the junglers dueling in jungle?
Weigh the circumstances figure out what would happen 1 minute from now. There are many scenarios of course, but thinking what would happen 1 minute ahead is actually straight forward and made of if-then statements. Its kinda like Chess, except this time you're like the bishop sniping from across the board.
Great Scenario for roaming
How To Roam
Usually, you will roam using your 3rd ability, but understand that you don't need your 3rd ability to do a similar job.
If you do not have any vision in jungle, try to stick to your side as you roam in order to avoid any potential vision the enemy may have. This will also prevent you from encountering the enemy jungler if he is around.
Where To Roam
Engaging in a Roam
To be in every teamfight, you shove and ignore your lane and provide more pressure across the map while playing around item spikes of your allies. This requires less about cooperation, but baiting your allies so you could countergank for easy kills.
Generally, games would end before late game because you allow your team to snowball to the win or just fizzle out with your team when the enemy team stomps. If neither occures, always stay next to the adc and ping objectives when transitioning to late game.
However, his teamfight presence is one of the best and he becomes a tanky aoe dps when used optimally.
Your job is either to peel your adc from engagers like Irelia or blow up the backline; the decision is based on enemy composition and their positioning so try to analyze the team composition to figure out what your gameplan should be.
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