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Xayah Build Guide by Minatozaki Sana

ADC Xayah Freelo

ADC Xayah Freelo

Updated on April 22, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Minatozaki Sana Build Guide By Minatozaki Sana 4,400 Views 0 Comments
4,400 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Minatozaki Sana Xayah Build Guide By Minatozaki Sana Updated on April 22, 2017
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Hi, I'm an ADC main from the LAN server (Minatozaki Sana) currently in Diamond 3. I've been playing a lot of Xayah lately and have found myself to use her to great success being on a 10-1 Win/lose ratio. In this guide I hope I can help you guys understand some of the interesting mechanics that Xayah's unique gameplay offers.
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Basic Mechanics

Xayah's unique gameplay makes you play around the feathers which makes your most important ability your q.

The first mechanic that one should know with Xayah's is to always leave your q as the last ability. The main reason for this is because the q throws 2 feathers in quick succession making it easier to land a snare with your e.

Another mechanic that you should know is how to kite with Xayah. Xayah's kiting is not the same kiting you would do with the other ADC'S Xayah's kiting is highly recommended to be a straight line since it will make it easier to snare your opponent.
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The Early Game

Playing the early game with Xayah without attack speed can be quite challenging. This is why your first rush item is going to be a Blade of the Ruined King. This item right now is so strong, while giving you a decent amount of AD, percentage damage attack speed and an active that can get you out of sticky situations as well as help you chase is by far the best item.

During the Early game, you always want to start a trade with your w after you've landed the first one or two autos of your w, throw your q and instantly press the e. This will cause a fast burst while snaring the opponent. Sometimes you can even catch them of guard and kill them. Try to farm the most with Xayah and not fall behind. Xayah has a very good early game and scales well into the game.
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The Mid Game

In complete honesty, Xayah's mid game is pretty bad, you just don't feel like you have any damage. Your goal during the mid game is to participate as much as you can on teamfights, while also try to finish 2 important items, the phantom dancer and the infinity edge.

The reason why I prefer phantom dancer over Runnan's Hurricane is because it's cheaper (yah 50 gold, still cheaper xD)and has a better synergy with the champion. Phantom Dancer gives you the most attack speed, while reducing the damage of whoever you hit first. The reason why this is so useful is because Xayah has a 525 range, which is really short for an ADC, meaning that you will more often than anything be fighting very close to the frontline, so that damage reduction can really make a difference.

In Teamfights, always try to use your e as a last resort and your ultimate as a self peel tool. You will always have feathers around you so don't worry on rushing your e because you want the most feathers. Remember, sometimes it's not the most feathers that deal the most damage.
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Late Game

Xayah in late game is pretty much just a monster, she will kill everyone just by finishing the build with a Bloodthirster and a Lord Dominik's. Once Xayah's reach late game is pretty much over. The amount of damage and healing she does is stupid and the amount of aoe damage she bring to the table is also disgusting.
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Xayah's unique playstyle makes it very difficult for people who are used to standard ADC, but once you learn and master Xayah's combos and how to chain them, it is really hard to lose a game. I hope that you could learn some useful tips on Xayah and why my preference on some items. Any other questions you can write me to my email: or just ad me on my LAN account: Minatozaki Sana or my NA Accound dangerousdin0. Thank you for visitng my guide on Xayah.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Minatozaki Sana
Minatozaki Sana Xayah Guide
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Xayah Freelo

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