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Xerath Build Guide by lorinthios

Xerath, The Glass Cannon

Xerath, The Glass Cannon

Updated on May 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lorinthios Build Guide By lorinthios 3,253 Views 0 Comments
3,253 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lorinthios Xerath Build Guide By lorinthios Updated on May 14, 2012
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The Glass Cannon

Welcome to my guide I use personally for Xerath. I've played him for a few days now and I figured I would make one because people seemed to be impressed with how strong this build is.

First off,
The Reason I choose the items in this order were in order.
Small mp upkeep >> Movement/penetration >> Damage + Survivability + slow from spells >> More penetration + damage >> BIG Damage increase >> (the deathfire's ability is really nice against beefy characters, is also the replace for Dorans ring) >> BIGGER Damage increase.

This build starts slow but around level 10 you will be demolishing if you follow this build.

Mana regen is for mid lane, I do not feel like xerath should be going mid with this build. This build is a Glass Cannon, it is supposed to dish out tons of damage in short bursts. If you wish to be able to last long, simply grab the mana buff after level 6 when you can use your ulti and demolish it with your skill combo ( E + damage = stun)

This being said, grab the mana buff as much as possible, you will love how much damage you can dish out with essentially unlimited mana for a minute.
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The Deathcap

The Deathcap

About the deathcap...
The stats above do not show the upgrades given by the deathcap as it isn't part of the "stats" of the item.

If the hats added attribute does not stack and you get through all the items, you will have a resulting AP of 642, as well as the added magic penetration from runes and items (shoes and void staff) you will easily hit 700-1200 per skill, depending on magic resist of enemy champion.

If the Hats do stack... You will have AP = 790. Resulting in 8000-1300 a hit depending on enemies Magic resist.

If you find yourself running into a tanky character, think about selling that Dorans ring, and by Deathfire Grasp. The active ability on that item easily cuts 40% of their health(every 60 seconds for cooldown)

So if enemy champion has 3000-4000 hp, you just cut out 1200-1600 hp at no cost with that item. AND you have 65 more AP with Deathfire instead of the ring. Resulting in over 800 AP if hats stack, and 700+ if they don't.

So wish you long matches and plentiful gold income, so you can demolish your foes. Good luck
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lorinthios
lorinthios Xerath Guide
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Xerath, The Glass Cannon

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