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Xin Zhao Build Guide by koolaidiniqua

Xin Zhao: okay kids, attk speed = health

Xin Zhao: okay kids, attk speed = health

Updated on February 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author koolaidiniqua Build Guide By koolaidiniqua 1,118 Views 0 Comments
1,118 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author koolaidiniqua Xin Zhao Build Guide By koolaidiniqua Updated on February 25, 2012
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Keep in mind this guide is still a work in progress

Hello there.
My summoner name is koolaidiniqua, how's it going?
here are some key points to understanding the build:

Firstly. This is not your regular Xin Zhao build. Regular builds are boring.

This guide focuses on attack speed, and using Xin's passive, attack speed = health. Item passives are also very important in this build allowing Xin to deal insane amounts of magic damage, and giving him the ability to rip apart anyone on the team, while having just enough tankiness, to not be a squishy + his ult.

Secondly, please give the guide a chance (try it out) before you vote it up or down. And comment plz, YOUR THOUGHTS ARE APPRECITED, negative or positive.
constructive criticism is great (y).
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Armour pen quints and marks: to help his early game. Even though the guide is based on attack speed, these allow for increased early game damage, and are still effective late game.

Armour seals: xin is very squishy early game, these also help with late game tankiness.

Magic Resist Glyphs: again xin is squishy early game, and flat magic resist increases late game tankiness.

I wouldn't go for magic resist per lvl or armour per lvl, just because xin is so squishy early game.

Armour pen quints and marks, can be switched out for attack speed,
I do not recommend it. Attack speed is insignificant late game if you have the full build which already gives you a ridiculous amount of attk speed. whereas Armour Pen is always helpful!

In short armour pen > attack speed
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League of Legends Build Guide Author koolaidiniqua
koolaidiniqua Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao: okay kids, attk speed = health

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