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Xin Zhao:QWER, I win

Xin Zhao:QWER, I win

Updated on March 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toormai Build Guide By Toormai 4,370 Views 0 Comments
4,370 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Toormai Build Guide By Toormai Updated on March 18, 2011
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Xin Zhao is possibly one of the bests melee DPS in League of Legends. I like to compare Xin Zhao to Garen, awesome DPS but also the ability to take alot of damage. Xin Zhao is capable of extreme ganking skills and putting out amazing damage. Any Champ is good when fed but Xin is LETHAL when fed.
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Pros / Cons

Knock up
Group slow
Natural heal
Lanes well with stunner

Hard to deal with ranged
A bit slow without items
Vulnerable to cc
No escape mechanism
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The masteries focus on doing alot of damage including a little more survivability going into the defence masteries for a couple points. The masteries are this way so you can carry your team as you should be able to.
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To conclude this I want to say thank you for reading my guide. Please be easy on me, for I am just started making guides. Please take advantage of this guide for what you want to use it for. I also need your help learning on how to putting symbols for spells n such into the guide. Ok THANK YOU
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toormai
Toormai Guide
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Xin Zhao:QWER, I win

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