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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
The runes i choose are very important in making you be able to crit more and maintain mana easier.
greater seal of knowledge and greater glyph of knowledge will help you at the beginning of games when your mana is very easily drain from all your moves. Because I like to harass enemies with Omen of Famine and Omen of Pestilence I try to make it so I am able to use these as much as possible without having to recall because of low mana. These two runes make it a little easier to do so
Greater Mark of Critical Chance and Greater Quintessence of Critical Chance are two very important runes for this build. I try to focus on being able to get Crits as often as possible and along with Infinity Edge which makes your Crits even stronger.
greater seal of knowledge and greater glyph of knowledge will help you at the beginning of games when your mana is very easily drain from all your moves. Because I like to harass enemies with Omen of Famine and Omen of Pestilence I try to make it so I am able to use these as much as possible without having to recall because of low mana. These two runes make it a little easier to do so
Greater Mark of Critical Chance and Greater Quintessence of Critical Chance are two very important runes for this build. I try to focus on being able to get Crits as often as possible and along with Infinity Edge which makes your Crits even stronger.
I chose Maxing out Q Omen of War first because the it gets the most AD added to its damage. I mostly use W Omen of Pestilence and E Omen of Famine for harrassment and because of that i wait until late game to upgrade them. Of course for Omen of Death i choose to get that at 6/11/16.
The two summoner spells that i pick are vital in a yorick build. Yoricks doesn't really have any escape moves so getting Flash is a great choice also if you are trying to catch someone Flash is a great way to do so. Other good choices would be Ignite or Ghost
Now i find that Exhaust is the most important summoner spell for Yorick. Yorick is able to slow with Omen of Pestilence but it isnt long enough for you to run in and get a hit in on the guy. So now if you Omen of Pestilence run in Omen of Faminefollowed by Exhaust you will be able to easily catch them with Omen of War which will increase your movement speed and help you beat him dead.
Now i find that Exhaust is the most important summoner spell for Yorick. Yorick is able to slow with Omen of Pestilence but it isnt long enough for you to run in and get a hit in on the guy. So now if you Omen of Pestilence run in Omen of Faminefollowed by Exhaust you will be able to easily catch them with Omen of War which will increase your movement speed and help you beat him dead.
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