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Pantheon Build Guide by INFINIT

Other You, Panth, and the S5 Jungle

Other You, Panth, and the S5 Jungle

Updated on November 30, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author INFINIT Build Guide By INFINIT 5,941 Views 0 Comments
5,941 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author INFINIT Pantheon Build Guide By INFINIT Updated on November 30, 2014
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Jungle Camp Route

If your new to jungling then you might be confused as to what camps to start off first. What I do whenever I enter a game is start off at the Blue Buff, with the leash of course, then I would run over to the wolves, by now I should be level 2, then i will run over to the Krugs, and if my smite is up, i will use my smite on it, which will make my time with Gromp a lot easier, after Krugs, I run all the way back down to Gromp, hopefully having The Gift of Heavy Hands from the Krugs, it will make Gromp a lot easier, because i should be level 3 by the time I get to Gromp, now at this point you might need to go back to base, but if your still kicking, the try to do Raptors, although i tend to avoid them because they aren't as useful as they seem to be early game, mainly because they do a lot of damage, and if your just THAT GOOD at jungling, and still have a good amount of life left, then hit the Red Buff, by this time, you should be able to buy at least your fully upgraded Stalkers Blade, and be almost level 5, and when i go back to my jungle, the Wolves are always up, so i start at them and go throughout the normal route.
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Ganking as Pantheon

Pantheon has a heavy amount of ganking potential, as well as camp clear, so he is a very good jungler. But with this new item at your disposal (the Stalker's Blade) you can get even better ganks going, when i gank i tend to gank whatever lane is doing the worst. So for example, let's say its a Gnar vs. Darius in top lane, and Gnar is having a tough time with defending, now if he is under the tower, i tend to use my ultimate on him, because if he doesn't move, he will take a beating, and if he tries to attack me under tower, he will surely die, but if he moves away from my ultimate he won't have pushed enough to do a significant amount of damage, but lets say my ultimate isn't an option, I would run from behind, first my Q, then stun him with my W, then immediately use my E to do a lot of damage, then I would Q again for good measure, by this time, my W should be up again, and if he somehow got outside of my W range, I would use my smite on him to slow him, and then land my W, and hopefully get the kill. Now remember, as Pantheon you can block one turret shot, which is enough to use your Q, so be careful if your diving them under tower, but overall, have fun with wrecking scrubs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author INFINIT
INFINIT Pantheon Guide
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You, Panth, and the S5 Jungle

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