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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Soul Siphon (PASSIVE)
Morgana Passive Ability
(E) will help you stay aggressive, as it prevents jungler from gank you, e.g fiddle/elise arrives to stun you, but your Black shield will prevent this from happening and you'll get back save.
Rod of Ages:
Going for Rabadon's Deathcap as the first item will increase your ap, correct. But if you rush the Rod of Ages your health and mana + 60(+20) ap will help you get in the middle of a team fight to use ultimate + your mana is rarely empty.
Zhonya's hourglass:
Hourglass is a must item for Morgana, it prevent enemy for killing you when you flash in the middle of a teamfight and use ulti, this will ofc increase your ap and armor heavily which makes you want it even more.
Going for Rabadon's Deathcap as the first item will increase your ap, correct. But if you rush the Rod of Ages your health and mana + 60(+20) ap will help you get in the middle of a team fight to use ultimate + your mana is rarely empty.
Zhonya's hourglass:
Hourglass is a must item for Morgana, it prevent enemy for killing you when you flash in the middle of a teamfight and use ulti, this will ofc increase your ap and armor heavily which makes you want it even more.
When farming use your (W) between caster and melee!
Morgana has the highest basic attack damage, this will help you get good trades!
You can check bushes with you (Q), because when you hit an enemy it will disappear.
In teamfight flash in with ult and use zhonya's + E before you enter
You can see stealth champs like Twitch or Teemo, your ult can be used but won't reveal the target.
Morgana has the highest basic attack damage, this will help you get good trades!
You can check bushes with you (Q), because when you hit an enemy it will disappear.
In teamfight flash in with ult and use zhonya's + E before you enter
You can see stealth champs like Twitch or Teemo, your ult can be used but won't reveal the target.
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