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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
Let's get some fire pepz!
Ok, so here we are. You have just farmed 6300 IP or bought 930+ RP and used it on the awesome overpowered (if played correctly) BRAND!
He is a AP carry nuker. And one of the best if you ask me. Especially because of his amazing "R" aka. Ult aka. Pyroclasm and his awesome AoE damage.
Oh, and by the way! This is my first guide so please don't flame just thumb it up! :D
1. Very nice burst damage.
2. Cool passive.
3. Awesome farmer.
4. Great AoE damage with "W" "E" and "R".
5. Can stun with passive + "Q".
6. A lot of fun to play!
7. A nice attackanimation
1. Easy focus.
2. He is not the best escaper (and that's why we will pick up flash)
3. Hard to aim with the skillshots. Especially "Q".
4. Only two skins atm :(((.
1. Very nice burst damage.
2. Cool passive.
3. Awesome farmer.
4. Great AoE damage with "W" "E" and "R".
5. Can stun with passive + "Q".
6. A lot of fun to play!
7. A nice attackanimation
1. Easy focus.
2. He is not the best escaper (and that's why we will pick up flash)
3. Hard to aim with the skillshots. Especially "Q".
4. Only two skins atm :(((.
Flash and Ignite: Ok, so you want flash and ignite for brand! Seriously i promise! It's the best. Flash because he is a bad escaper, and if the enemyteam ganks you then you're so dead without flash. It will also help you in teamfights to do as much damage as possible and make a safe escape.
Ignite is of cause to help you to stop your enemy's healing and to damage the last peace of Health to pick up the kill.
Ignite is of cause to help you to stop your enemy's healing and to damage the last peace of Health to pick up the kill.
A fast description of why to pick these runes.
So basicly every single AP carry GOT TO HAVE THESE MAGIC PENETRATION MARKS! I don't wanna discuss this!
You really want this mana! It helps you to stay at your lane even when you minionfarm a bit with your spells. The best choice for seals, no doubt.
You can either pick magic penetration or abilitypower on this (or you can do both.) I like the magic penetration because it allows you to deal almost true damage to the squishy carries of the enemyteam.
The exact same reason as above on glyph. ;-) I'm sooo lazy..
So basicly every single AP carry GOT TO HAVE THESE MAGIC PENETRATION MARKS! I don't wanna discuss this!
You really want this mana! It helps you to stay at your lane even when you minionfarm a bit with your spells. The best choice for seals, no doubt.
You can either pick magic penetration or abilitypower on this (or you can do both.) I like the magic penetration because it allows you to deal almost true damage to the squishy carries of the enemyteam.
The exact same reason as above on glyph. ;-) I'm sooo lazy..
Two Doran's, what the F***? I already got mana regen on seals. Yes you do, but you are gonna spam your spells a lot cause it'a great way to win the lane. That's why you wanna pick up your 2nd Doran's Ring after brown boots.
After that you wanna buy a manacrystal and then to the funny stuff....
THE ABILITYPOWER! Buy a Blasting Wand and then go for some HP (Giant's Belt) and some regen (Catalyst the Protector). After that you're gonna buy Sorceres's Shoes so you're on the run.
Why the Rylai's crystal Scepter? Because you can chase people very well. Trust me, with this guide they WONT hunt YOU!
Rabadon's Deathcap. Do you even wanna ask why? IT GIVES YOU TONS OF DAMAGE!
Banshee's Veil gives you a lot of survivability.
Void Staff gives you even more magic penetration. You're gonna get a lot of tankrage!
Morello's evil Tome gives you the cooldownreduction that you're always been dreaming of. They wont have a chance against you now!
After that you wanna buy a manacrystal and then to the funny stuff....
THE ABILITYPOWER! Buy a Blasting Wand and then go for some HP (Giant's Belt) and some regen (Catalyst the Protector). After that you're gonna buy Sorceres's Shoes so you're on the run.
Why the Rylai's crystal Scepter? Because you can chase people very well. Trust me, with this guide they WONT hunt YOU!
Rabadon's Deathcap. Do you even wanna ask why? IT GIVES YOU TONS OF DAMAGE!
Banshee's Veil gives you a lot of survivability.
Void Staff gives you even more magic penetration. You're gonna get a lot of tankrage!
Morello's evil Tome gives you the cooldownreduction that you're always been dreaming of. They wont have a chance against you now!
You have to lvl up your "W" first! It's the best way to harras and the best way to scare your enemy out of the lane and back to their base!
Your 2nd skill to lvl up is "E". Mostly because of farming, but it's also a good way to harras.
And if your VERY CLEVER then you're leveling up your ult at level 6, 11 and 16. :-)
Some of you may ask: If "W" and "E" is so effective, then why should i even level up my "Q" when i hit level 3? For one single reason. You can stun! And you can use the stun offensive and deffensive. Please remember that out there.
Basicly your spellcombo will be "E" and then a fast "Q" to stun. When your enemy is in the stun you can land a very easy "W" and then instead of facing a full health enemy you're gonna own a half health enemy!....
Your 2nd skill to lvl up is "E". Mostly because of farming, but it's also a good way to harras.
And if your VERY CLEVER then you're leveling up your ult at level 6, 11 and 16. :-)
Some of you may ask: If "W" and "E" is so effective, then why should i even level up my "Q" when i hit level 3? For one single reason. You can stun! And you can use the stun offensive and deffensive. Please remember that out there.
Basicly your spellcombo will be "E" and then a fast "Q" to stun. When your enemy is in the stun you can land a very easy "W" and then instead of facing a full health enemy you're gonna own a half health enemy!....
Yeah last but not least i want to say thanks to you for reading this guide. I hope you enjoyed the guide and that it wasn't waste of time. Have fun playing Brand the Burning Vengeance.
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Again thank you guys! See You, im out.
(Also thanks to my lovely team "UNICORNS.LoL" ^^)
- Peace.
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Again thank you guys! See You, im out.
(Also thanks to my lovely team "UNICORNS.LoL" ^^)
- Peace.
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