Start w and literally run at him to do a full trade, you will win lvl 1 if he full fights you if you have ignite. if you get him low lvl 1 you can go all in lvl 2-3 to kill him. he becomes a extreme threat later on in lane if you dont get a lead cause of his Q's CDR. you will even want anti heal exe calling to limit his healing as much as possible
This Champ in my opinion is another one of setts worst matchups. She has a dash, more dashes, oh and dont forget MORE dashes, has a block, armor pen, and a unstoppable ult. She is now my perma ban and is way more tough to deal with than Renekton in laning phase and late game. Its very hard to "correctly" build against her cause if you want to build defensive and buy a bramble vest well she has passive armor pen on top of the black cleaver shes definitely gonna rush so rushing armor is pretty much useless. Plated steelcaps boots help a good bit against her attacks since it counts as most auto attacks. Its better to just build normally with stride first to try and catch her but its pretty much going to be impossible since all fights are gonna be if she wants to due to her insane mobility. Just perma ban this champ if you dont want the headache.
If they pick an aurora top they probably dont have a life and job. On top of having no friends, these players will just keep poking and bursting you down until you get tilted out of your mind. second wind and d shield help a lot early game along with getting merc treads quickly to prevent getting bursted down so hard. Obviously being a range top laner you need to rush stride on this one just so you can get to her easily. You will most likely out scale her and be able to ger her mid and late game but if you still are struggling against her, Force of Nature is great against her.
Pretty even matchup early game. Her whole playstyle is for her to try and take short trades with you. Do not let her do this and try to take as long fights as you can with her because she doesnt have the cooldowns to keep up with you. late game her true dmg gets crazy and she will outscale you so play for team fights.
he a ez matchup early game so you can punish him a lot if he walks up to cs. if you can dodge his knockup then the lane will always be in ur favor. late game you MUST ult him into his own team for huge dmg and when you do that you will get the big happy.
even matchup but still quite difficult. go ignite if you want to early cheese him. Make sure you start w if you do this and prepare to flash with your W cause he will try and do that. whoever wins early game will pretty much take over the lane unless they can somehow outplay the other. TP is a much safer option if your not confident yet.
Dr. Mundo
pretty ez matchup early, start w because his passive will make sure that if you start e that you will be lookin goofy. after he gets lvl 6 make sure you have antiheal with exe calling. he will outscale you late game but if you ult him in teamfights into his team its some great dmg. Keep in mind you can ult him while his spellshield passive is up and it will still count the dmg.
Major BS champ right here. you gotta dance with her so she doesnt hit the vitals on you. starting w here is a must and you can go ignite if your confident in killing her early. tho even still this champ is so broken that its better to take TP cause even if you get the early lead she will come back with an insane villain arc and destroy you late game and theres not a lot you can do about it. best you can do is make sure you get bramble early game and thornmail late game and play for teamfights cause unless you build solo killing items like blade with black cleaver, your not gonna kill her alone.
hes ez until he just starts spamming his q on you which will get so annoying you might uninstall. D shield helps a good bit in this matchup and your double AA can mess up his barrels so try to use that to your advantage. Stride helps so much in this matchup once you get it.
Now theres two things with this guy, if he goes conq then its pretty much even fighting similar to Darius but if he goes phase rush them oh god he becomes a major or extreme threat. his speed and tenacity will become insane late game that you gotta land your stride on him and ult him into the team to kill him quickly before he just runs off and heal everything back with his passive.
dumb ranged champs we no like in top lane. only try to fight him when hes baby gnar, once he a big boy you cannot fight him so dont try to. Max W in this matchup and poke him down as much as possible and go all in when hes low. D shield start is a must here and take TP
its way better to take grasp for his guy instead of conq just so u can heal something back when you trade with him. you can go conq only if you know that you can smack him up a lot and confident. be wary once he reaches lvl 6 cause he will try to ult you into his own tower and belly bum you and hard cc u in.
pretty even matchup so you can take ignite if you want to get her early cause u win those early fights. Be VERY careful late game cause she makes those scissors so sharp they will just melt all ur health away with a few seconds.
Why does this character exist you might ask? cause someone at riot has brain problems. if you get hit by her E early game you can zone her off your soul and smack her up cause you do win pre lvl 6. Once she reaches 6 tho this champ gets the biggest powerspike ive seen. You gotta make sure then you dodge her E at all costs if you gonna fight her then cause you will not win otherwise if she does. you can ult her away form her own ult cause the tentacles spawn behind you mostly so zone her off and give her that big W. Black cleaver does a lot to her so its a really good first item against her but do keep in mind this champ can go 0/15 and still easily 1v5 everyone. Yea this champ is dum dum.
she will think she fancy until she dashes into your fists and you smack her up. you win most of the time in these fights, just be careful of her stun and you'll be fine.
i really dont know why riot thought a pole dancer was PG friendly but here we are. maxing w in this fight is a must cause you will never really land ur q on this guy. take TP and play it safe, Stride helps a lot cause you can slow him as soon as he starts his E and run away. So then it will either force him to jump on you which will prevent him escaping you or he will have to back off. This guy you can perma ban but there is worse.
Most jayce players will stay in ranged form and poke you down and go all in later when ur low. Maxing W in this fight is good if you cant ever get on him. once you get stride and survive his bullying then hes gonna start quivering in fear.
If you dont get a lead on this guy then you wont ever win against him. Max Q and dodge his knockups at all costs to really get at him. Always be careful trying to fight him near his tower, he can do some dumb things and bounce you into his tower and shred you then so always keep that in mind. Black cleaver a very good rush against him.
Extremely easy early game to just run at her and bully but oh boy once she reaches lvl 6 its like the tables turn so hard. Unless you bullied her so hard before 6 and got so ahead you dont have to worry but if not then be ready to get greatly poked at. stride is really good to stick to her but late game its very risky to do cause she will melt anyone
A lightning Rat that will just spam Q on you and melt you. D shield helps a lot but you wont do much until you can get stride so you can limit his mobility and stick to him. make sure you take TP here cause you wont cheese him early
Kled matchups is always scary cause you'd be surprised with his sustain and he remounts when you dont expect it. Do not take long fights with him and play off his W passive cooldown. If thats not up and he misses his Q then you can trade with him pretty hard. only try to fully go for the kill when all your abilities are up and hes not mounted on his bootleg horse
better to take grasp here so you can sustain his Q poke but you can go conq and trade him easily if you can keep landing your E on him. Rushing black Cleaver is a must for him
You hard bully him pre 6 but once he gets ult and sends you to brazil its a nightmare and you will lose. a good trick is to watch him closely when your fist fighting him and when he lowers his mace to cast his ult and you hear the noise casting, ult him immediately. This will cancel his ult which will go on cooldown and you will be safe and win the fight more likely.
Im sure we all know Nasus gets so beat up early game so yea you can hard smack him when he wants to walk up for CS. late game tho you better make sure you ult him away from your own team into his cause he will become an extreme threat and mop the floor
Start W in this fight and you can trade him really easily if you got ignite and he misses his Q. If you kill him you will pretty much be fine for the whole lane until he outscales you late game with his ult and items.
Kinda easy early game if you can sustain well. Me personally maxing w in this matchup is good if you cant get a lead on him. if you do kill him early then max Q and rush black cleaver so you can run him down.
the burst dmg from this guy is crazy, along with his Q poke. only try to trade with him when he doesnt have full passive stacks. Save your W when you have your E and pull him in for a stun and W so he cant block ur w dmg with his own E.
the only time you will win against a poppy top is if you somehow kill her early the first few lvls. If you do then rush black cleaver cause her armor is insane for someone so tiny with a hammer,
The biggest and hardest counter to you. Jax is close but this guy is a must ban if you wanna have fun in the game. if you do somehow find yourself in this situation then theres 2 things you can do. First you gotta get TP and play so safe cause no matter what you do the lane is his control and he gets to decide if he wants to trade or not. you gotta rush bramble plated boots so you can actually kinda fight him and live. Its way better to play for team fights cause he cannot team fight well unlike you can, so abuse this as much as possible. Second thing you can do is uninstall and refund if you get this guy
this champ just dashes around with her q and stun that its almost impossible to play. Tho if ur low elo then you can just fist fight her cause everyone in low elo does that and you could win if you got ignite and land the true dmg of ur w but thats really it. You gotta watch her abilities and know when its a good time to go in.
not a hard matchup so you can bully him easy. when he uses his shield where he dodges ur AA you can just E and W him cause that goes through it.
sion is there to give u a happy day cause you win so easy in lane and on top of that, late game he has so much health that if u ult him into his own team its gonna do so much dmg that you will get the big happy :)
Tahm Kench
all what hes gonna do is out sustain you by hitting his Q lick on you constantly. If you can avoid that then you pretty much win the fight. if he goes heartsteel then make sure you ult him into his own team for big dmg
you will almost never win against this guy. you can ban him if you want but no one really plays him its just better to ban Renekton. But the only way you'll really kill him is by ulting him into your own tower and have the tower help you kill him cause otherwise you cant do enough dmg to him. you can rush blade if you somehow got a lead on him cause blade will melt him but be careful cause blade will make you squishy in team fights
Pre 6 you can kill this bum if he doesnt have a lot of fury and you have ignite. start w cause trynda players always think they will win but you can outplay him if you flash for your true dmg on ur w with ur ignite on top of that. once he gets lvl 6 hes just gonna run you down cause hes a fair champ clearly
The basics of this matchup is if you can dodge his E knockup then you hard win the trade. if you dont your kinda screwed. if you notice you keep getting hit by his E and living its better to max W in this fight so you can throw all the dmg back at him. if not otherwise max your Q
you will win lvls 1-3 hard but after that it gets incredibly hard to beat his guy. best thing is rushing bramble then black cleaver and play for team fights
you win pre lvl 6 but get mopped over post 6. rush black cleaver cause it will help a lot with his passive armor when he fights you.
yasuo you can deal with but only if you can lock him down with your E and W combo so the true dmg lands. maxing q is good for the short trades with him then going all in after his passive shield is down
Yone is very easy to play against cause if he just misses his q knock up and runs into you, you will smack him so hard hes gonna wish he never did what he did in the first place
you gotta rush bramble into this guy. taking ignite is risky cause then you gotta play to win the lane lvls 1-3. whoever wins this early fight will hard win over the lane so be very careful. if you dont want to take the risk then bramble with TP is good
Most vayne players got brain damage for playing a range top. You cant do much in lane to best thing you can do is get bramble with plated boots so she doesnt do a lot of damage to you. Once you get stride it can allow you to really easily get close to her and actually do something to her. Maxing w is a must here so early game you can use this to poke her down below half hp and then maybe attempt to kill her. Otherwise you gonna need a junglers help with this one.
If you loved the guide and want to learn more then follow me on twitch! i stream my sett games and working on becoming rank 1 NA. My twitch name is Zagreus7274 so come stop by! :)
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