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Ziggs Build Guide by Azimoph

Ziggs: The Glorious Grenadier

Ziggs: The Glorious Grenadier

Updated on January 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azimoph Build Guide By Azimoph 2,224 Views 0 Comments
2,224 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Azimoph Ziggs Build Guide By Azimoph Updated on January 4, 2013
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If you didn't know, Ziggs is a ranged, Ability Power mage. He is a versatile champion, with a surprising amount of burst and crowd control. He can be a valuable asset in team fights and, unlike most mages, can function as a turret demolitionist.

All in all Ziggs is a GREAT champ that every summoner should at least try out.
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Pros / Cons

    All his spells deal AOE (Area of Effect) damage
    Can farm creeps easily
    Can deal a potentialy high amount of damage
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The Steep Mana Curve

As with any mana dependent caster, it is fairly easy to go oom with Ziggs. The fact that his Bouncing Bomb's cool-down is relatively short makes it easily spam-able. The easiest way that I have found to combat going oom is to "CAST SMARTLY". I've seen many players complain about not having enough mana while constantly pressing q w e r Maximum cool-down reduction, and the kicker, they miss half their skill shots. Their logic is that their spells deal damage, ergo the more spells they cast the more damage they deal. The reality is that on any champ with skill shots sometimes it's better to wait until you know that you can make the shot. That way you don't waste precious mana and needlessly set your skill on cooldown.

With that in mind, as Ziggs it's easy to deal moderate damage while not casting spells. Short Fuse is an AMAZING passive that can potentially deal damage every 12 seconds, even if you're not casting spells. In some crazy instances I've played matches where I didn't cast a single spell until lvl 4 and still dropped my opponents health in half.

Now if you feel as though you aren't spamming skills (and missing half of them #cough#cough#), and you still find yourself going oom, then by all means build items like the Athene's Unholy Grail or Archangel's Staff, they are not at all bad items on Ziggs. Just remember there's always the right tool for the right job.
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Crowd Control / Zoning

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Azimoph
Azimoph Ziggs Guide
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Ziggs: The Glorious Grenadier

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