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Zyra Build Guide by RxDoodle

Support Zyra Beast of the bottom lane.

Support Zyra Beast of the bottom lane.

Updated on August 8, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RxDoodle Build Guide By RxDoodle 1 5 5,130 Views 9 Comments
1 5 5,130 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RxDoodle Zyra Build Guide By RxDoodle Updated on August 8, 2013
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YeaISupport (30) | August 8, 2013 8:14pm
And oh, make your a bit prettier.

You say "Why you no read my guide?" But... people do JUDGE books by their cover.

And if your item choice is unorthodox, and your explanation is not in too pretty of a format (I feel like you tried, I give you that, but you can do it BETTER!), people are not going to read your stuffs and judge you by item choice.

Think in other's perspective too before "Read my guide AND THEN judge."

And, if you need some help with this guide, I am willing to help.
YeaISupport (30) | August 8, 2013 8:10pm
RxDoodle wrote:

Zyra is not that style of support imo. She is a high burst damage champ and best used in this fashion. I go for damage not utility. I also win lane 8/10 times with her with little to no jungle help. I have no issues bulding these. 9/10 games u wont ever have rab's or zhonya's games just dony last that long i just put them in there in the event u do go into those rare 60m matches. What i have as mid/late is my usual end build with oracles and vwards. You are the 3rd person to just comment on the pictures and nothng about what was written. Read the guide before commenting and not just look at pictures.

I do understand where you are coming from. (I do main Sona and Zyra as support). Because Zyra's AP ratio is good, you can build AP Builds.

However, you have to know when you go damage or utility.

For example, you go damage when:

Top: Renekton
Mid: Kha'zix
Jungle: Nunu
ADC: Ashe

This is because your team lives and dies by Kha'zix's reset. Nunu's only huge damage is his Absolute Zero, and while Renekton and Ashe do damage, Renekton doesn't do whole lot of damage, and Ashe, while doing damage, is not Vayne or Tristana- she can't position herself as much for kills. This is when you go Damage.

You go utility when:

Top: Kennen
Mid: Zed
Jungle: Jarvan IV
ADC: Ezreal

Kennen, Ezreal and Zed do enough damage already, and you don't need extra damage. This is where you go utility like Locket of the Iron Solari or Mikael's Blessing- it is important to let those carries alive.

Difference between those two are: Nunu and Renekton are tanky enough, but they don't put as much damage. Ashe is utility + carry; although she can definitely deal a lot of damage, she does not put too much damage. How is Kha'zix supposed to get reset then? Your damage comes into play there. However, your second team does HUGE damage already, but they lack tankiness. That's when you go utility.

And, comment on your build (I do also go AP Support Zyra when needed)

I go Liandry's Torment. Pretty much huge DPS if you ask me. Now, I choose second item between Shard of True Ice (If you go Dive Composition, SoTI is not too bad. Remember also, SoTI + Liandry combo. If you can afford Rylai's Crystal Scepter, however, you should go Rylai's Crystal Scepter.), Rylai, or Void Staff. I usually end up choosing Void Staff as my second item, opting for triple M.Pen (Sorc Shoes, Void Staff, and Liandry) and using that to maximize my damage, because in 3.10, there are too many Magic Resist Item now.

And there is a reason why I do not go Rabadon, and instead go for Void Staff though. (Zhonya's Hourglass is a maybe; you can build it, but even at endgame, it's too costly.)

Don't underestimate Void Staff's damage compared to Rabadon's Deathcap. For 1000 less gold, you get to build 80 AP item. Building Rabadon vs Void Staff is 70-80 AP difference. That seems like a lot, but know that your Plants have 0.2 AP Ratio. That is 16 Dmg difference for Plant Attack. So if opponents build even Locket, I prefer Void Staff over Rabadon.
meowfire (2) | August 8, 2013 7:18pm
Ok you shouldn't be all defensive when clearly, your guide has flaws. Accept the fact and change it for the better. And it also your job to make someone want to read it, not paragraphing things and having walls of text is not how to get someone to read your guide.
RxDoodle (1) | August 8, 2013 12:47pm
meowfire wrote:

I'm assuming this is a support build, and am curious to why in you would come back from lane with kills? as it says in your cheat sheet, "first back w/ kill(s)"

Ok i figured someone was gonna mention the whole with "kills" thing. I'm just being a realist as a Zyra support i get kills i dont look to take them but they do happen. Read the guide before posting a comment. Your silly little question about this being support would have been answered. Read the guide before go posting stupid *** comments. People take time to write these take some time and read them or don't respond to them.
RxDoodle (1) | August 8, 2013 12:44pm

Remember this: you are support.

How am I supposed to have money to build all of these?

Keep Liandry's Torment if you want, but you need more utilities like Locket of the Iron Solari.

Zyra is not that style of support imo. She is a high burst damage champ and best used in this fashion. I go for damage not utility. I also win lane 8/10 times with her with little to no jungle help. I have no issues bulding these. 9/10 games u wont ever have rab's or zhonya's games just dony last that long i just put them in there in the event u do go into those rare 60m matches. What i have as mid/late is my usual end build with oracles and vwards. You are the 3rd person to just comment on the pictures and nothng about what was written. Read the guide before commenting and not just look at pictures.
RxDoodle (1) | August 8, 2013 12:32pm

Okay runes and masteries, wrong skill sequence. -1

Hmmm all u have to say is wrong skill sequence??? Compared to what? Elaborate a bit and show us u know what you are talking about before u just -1 someone.
YeaISupport (30) | August 8, 2013 12:20pm
Remember this: you are support.

How am I supposed to have money to build all of these?

Keep Liandry's Torment if you want, but you need more utilities like Locket of the Iron Solari.
meowfire (2) | August 8, 2013 10:21am
I'm assuming this is a support build, and am curious to why in you would come back from lane with kills? as it says in your cheat sheet, "first back w/ kill(s)"
Laggermeister (242) | August 8, 2013 9:36am
Okay runes and masteries, wrong skill sequence. -1
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