I will totally be your first customer ^^
Image: Original Leona Skin
Text: jhoijhoi
Dimensions: 500w x 200h (because otherwise it won't fit with my other text links)
Thanks in advance!!!
Image: Original Leona Skin
Text: jhoijhoi
Dimensions: 500w x 200h (because otherwise it won't fit with my other text links)
Thanks in advance!!!
I'll be your second because you're awesome ;D
Image: this
Text: TheNamelessBard
Dimensions: a max of 500X250
Image: this
Text: TheNamelessBard
Dimensions: a max of 500X250
haha, very unique!!! Certainly different from what I expected :P
Thank you very much, I will definitely be watching this space ^^
Thank you very much, I will definitely be watching this space ^^
And here is yours Nameless
@jhoi: Thank you very much. I hope unique is a good thing :). I'm still getting used to GIMP feels a lot like photoshop but without a lot of the intuitive stuff. Or at least I haven't found how to make it more intuitive :P
@jhoi: Thank you very much. I hope unique is a good thing :). I'm still getting used to GIMP feels a lot like photoshop but without a lot of the intuitive stuff. Or at least I haven't found how to make it more intuitive :P
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Hello and welcome to my sig shop. I'm currently a 22 year old college student with a job in a book store. My major is graphic design with the potential of becoming more focused into advertising or working with businesses to secure their brand name and label. I love to play LoL, love to watch movies and read graphic novels.
Why you should "hire" me for the job: Because I'll work hard for you. It will take time for me to work on each project, but that just means I want it to come out great.
1. Post in this thread NEVER PM ME
2. Once in this thread use this form:
- Image you wish to be edited
- Any Text needed in the sig use quotes on specific phrases you wish to be used. EX: I need you to put in the sig "Prepare to Die Clown".
- 25 post minimum
- Post your feedback IN THIS THREAD
- I would appreciate being credited in your signature comments but there is no need to +rep unless you feel I deserve it. Nor is there a need for you to create a link back to this thread for me unless you want to.
Thank you for visiting I hope I am able to give you folks what you want.