FYI, normally you give a posted thanks to the person with a link to their shop that made your sig. just normal etiquette.
Mastajdog, "You shall bow in the presence of the masta."
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.
please +rep if i've been helpful at all, and come check out my guides!
credits to The Nameless Bard and greynadefor the awsome signatures, and me for the others.

Lugignaf wrote:
Hey bud, it's great that you're new and all but, this is someone else's turf. If you want to GFX here, make your own thread. Thank you and come again. :3
I, personally, could care less whether random people want to make some of these sigs....I only made a second because no one else volunteered to.
Whoops. I thought this was a sig shop. Not a public request. <_<
Carry on...
Carry on...
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
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i thought someone was requesting~? D: