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Scrax wrote:
Sorry for being late on the requests! I went to bed early yesterday because my body just shut down. I'll start on them right away!
Wrath, seeing you got one from Xan, I reckon your request is void now?
Credits to Scrax for the awesome sig!
Ok for some reason it just won't show, i've tried everything...
my e-mail is correct, my name there is the same as here, its G rated so it should show on any website.
Also can't remove any of the images i uploaded there (don't ask me why, it just won't while i press the red X and press yes delete).
my e-mail is correct, my name there is the same as here, its G rated so it should show on any website.
Also can't remove any of the images i uploaded there (don't ask me why, it just won't while i press the red X and press yes delete).
i wasn't talking about you in specific, like 5 people >.>
Just sayin'