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YES YOU DID IT. I'll be your first official customer =D
You better have this done in 10 minutes from now or else. JK :P If possible I would like it by the beginning of April :P Yea, plenty of time's notice :)
I'm not exactly sure what dimensions TRUE made this, but could you make it the same/similar to the dimensions of the sig I have now?
as for the pic, can you use this plx
and wRAth somewhere on it? All the rest is up to you.
Kthxbye =D
You better have this done in 10 minutes from now or else. JK :P If possible I would like it by the beginning of April :P Yea, plenty of time's notice :)
I'm not exactly sure what dimensions TRUE made this, but could you make it the same/similar to the dimensions of the sig I have now?
as for the pic, can you use this plx
and wRAth somewhere on it? All the rest is up to you.
Kthxbye =D
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Currently not taking requests!
Be sure to check out TRUeLM's 'The Outpost'! :)
Before we start..
I truly hope anyone requesting a signature will be patient and kind. Remember that I do this in my spare time, and that I have a real life to attend to. I'm not your employee to harass, so if you're impatient, rude, or in any way offensive, please do us both a favor and don't request a signature.
I will not have a person request a free signature, then to pester me every second till it's done. I'm doing this to be nice and to give back to the community. I do hope you all can understand this :)!
Now that the unpleasant part has been dealt with, let's go on with the show!
Requesting a signature
To be able to request a signature you need at least 25 posts in total. This way I know you've been a bit active, and hopefully plan to be in the future as well.
If you can please add some basic information:
Nothing past this is necessary, I love just doing whatever I want with a picture. However, if you feel like half a page of information is necessary, please add that into your request as well :).
PLEASE! No extraordinary, superawesome, this-signature-will-take-days-to-make, kind of requests! I have spare time, yes, but I do not have an entire year off! :) Remember that I have a personal life as well as photoshop, so please know where to stop. Not to mention.. Too much effects makes the entire thing look crowded, and unpleasant.
Please pick the signature up when it's done! If not my work is for naught :(. Please do credit me, but +reputation is optional :).
I am not responsible for any "You're out of bandwidth blablabla.." errors appearing. It's your signature, however it's my imageshack account, and I am letting you spend any bandwidth I have on it. You can always save the picture and upload it yourself, which is also what I'd prefer you to do :)
I will not take donations. EVER. I do this for free! So if you feel like donating anything to me, don't ^^. Instead.. Invest it in some Riot Points, or bug Matt to give it to him. I'm sure he'd appreciate a donation or two!
Seeing that so many seem to forget to credit me, I'll begin adding my name to each signature, similar to the way I did on FreestyleZer0's picture.
Past achievements