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Scrax wrote:
It's hard to notice, and doesn't blend well. A tad over-sized imo as well. Is there a layout blending tool/feature in Gimp? If so try setting it to overlay.
Sorry if they look horrible, just trying to finish them before heading to bed (07:20 in the morning, lawl). If you hate it I'll make a new. If you like it, good :)
I agree with it not looking right due to blending, if you wouldn't mind fixing or making a new, Thanks.
Sorry for not responding that quickly, was busy all day.
Okay Scrax. I have another request. I need a Soraka banner. I would give you a picture BUT I can never find a good one 0-0. So, I think you need to go all out on this one and surprise me! BTW, NO DERP!!! XD
Thanks to Scrax for my Evelynn Sig.I did the Yi, Anivia, and Udyr Sig.
Visit my signature shop! I will take requests! <- My stream is UP!
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