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3v3 Tryndamere

Creator: Exxcentric June 8, 2011 6:51pm
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Exxcentric's Forum Avatar
Jun 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2011 6:51pm | Report
Hey guys, i have been around these forums for quite some time now just never got around to signing up.

Anyway, i have been having alot of success with aclarity marks, crit damage quints, CrC seals and CDR glyphs.

Now i understand after reading a large number of his guides and playing against alot of other tryndameres that CrC and CrD marks are the standard (and i have been running these for over 70-90 games) however, just recently i have been testing aclarity marks and starting off with Dagger and building boots then zeal giving me very high starting attack speed and CrC. The CrD and CrC marks (which i take with brawlers glove for more crit chance as illustrated in the vast majority of guides) do not seem to give me much of an edge early game (when tryn needs help the most). I have found that jungle tryn's tend to take attack speed marks -- but i think that this makes tryn a better lane as well as jungler.

It seems that this gives me a much better early game, lets me jungle both large creep camps at lvl 5, dragon at lvl 8 and hold a lane against all but the most difficult of characters/players.

Another thing: Recurve Bow

this item tends to get neglected by nearly all the tryn builds that i could find. Is there some reason noone takes this item? I get it EVERY game now as i think that it is one of the best value for money items in the game (40% attack speed is HUGE for 1050) and it builds into both SoTD and Starks (both useful items on tryn depending on whom you are against). I understand that most people build tryn as a 2 - hit wonder but even then isnt the 40% attack speed a worthwile investment?

Wondering if anyone else has tried this or has any thoughts on the matter. Depending on how my games continue to go i might end up making a guide for this but currently i am 15/15 wins with this setup.

Note: i have over 120 games with tryn nearly all on TT.

Cheers for any feedback.
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 9:23am | Report
Jungle Tryndamere? Critical chance marks.

Laning Tryndamere? Armor penetration marks.

Tryndamere? AD quints.

Crit damage? **** NO.

Check out my graph thread for comparisons of different kind of runes. (link in sig)
If not; just trust me on this.
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Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 9:31am | Report
Yup, what he said.

CrC helps laning trynd a little early game too - but ArP are usually better overall as Searz pointed out.

CrD are essentially worthless :/
AnIh's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 2:30pm | Report
crit chance for jungling what? rofl
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 2:32pm | Report
More crits, more Bloodlust, more heal, better jungling :)
AnIh's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 2:34pm | Report
i jungle whitout crit marks and i never need more bloodlust stacks :/ the optimal is 1 arp red 3 arp quint and rest as
Exxcentric's Forum Avatar
Jun 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2011 8:51pm | Report
Read your thread searz MANY MANY times (prbly the most important guide on this forum).

I think that you are all missing the point with my runes:

my item build is:

bezerker boots
BF sword
Last Whisper

-- i get this early so i get my armor pentration up EARLY game -- defeats the purpose of taking armor pen marks as tryn hits pretty damn hard regardless of armor penetration up till they get some armor at around lvl 8-10

-- Also allows me to take Crit Damage Quints on tryn as early game CrD is huge as their is very little armor on any hero. Along with my masteries i have 25% bonus crit damage, and as discussed in searz guide crit damage is ONLY valuable on a hero with Armor Penetration. Also understand that i normally take top lane on TT and this allows me to Juke with enemy champs and often take FB earlygame alot easier as heros whom take top/solo lane tend to be the squishies and the extra damage allows you to get in, hit once and get out dropping their health by over 1/3. Second juke i usually take a kill.

Recurve Bow -- very important item IMO see below
Starks -- i take this for the massive lifesteal bonus and attack speed. With this item i can refill my health on a single camp of small golems.
PD -- Movement Speed Bonus mostly
If i need more damage -- Bloodthirster
if i need more defence -- Thornmail or FoN

The point of this build is that tryn naturally gets high crit when below half health. Most of the game (apart from running into a team fight) i am below 1/2 health with 8 stacks of bloodlust up. The massive attack speed bonuses provided by these items/runes allows me to get bloodlust stacks very rapidly without investing into crit runes. Also allows you to do more damage (30% attack speed)

Note that this if for 3v3 where you are always within 4-5 seconds of a creep camp/creep wave.

The attack speed early game is important not for attacking enemy champions, but for farming. You can farm MUCH better with this build than the standard tryn builds.

Usually my game consists of lane till lvl 3 in either top or bottom lane (it doesnt matter).
Pushing the lane hard (till it is past the halfway point). Then running off to the top jungle to kill little creeps and a buff camp. (with other runes i cant do this as easily till lvl 6)
Blue pill.
Push lane (whichever needs it the most) past halfway again.
Finish other set of jungle creeps up top.

Note that i dont push towers till after i am lvl 11 unless unusual circumstances arise (ie ace the enemy team).

From then on it is dependent but i normally end up with 200-250 creeps by endgame with the highest on the enemy team <100 giving us a huge item advantage. Also i can solo dragon 2 levels earlier with attack speed runes than i can with either crit chance, crit damage or armor penetration which is a massive asset to a team on TT.

Note: Still noone has mentioned why noone takes Recurve Bow on tryn. I still think that this is one of the best value for money items in the game.

I probly should have posted my item build in the OP but i was very drunk at the time. Anyway, i hope that has cleared a few things up.

Any opinions/discussion encouraged!

<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 2:31am | Report
Exxcentric wrote:

bezerker boots
BF sword
Last Whisper

-- i get this early so i get my armor pentration up EARLY game -- defeats the purpose of taking armor pen marks as tryn hits pretty damn hard regardless of armor penetration up till they get some armor at around lvl 8-10

-- Also allows me to take Crit Damage Quints on tryn as early game CrD is huge as their is very little armor on any hero. Along with my masteries i have 25% bonus crit damage, and as discussed in searz guide crit damage is ONLY valuable on a hero with Armor Penetration. Also understand that i normally take top lane on TT and this allows me to Juke with enemy champs and often take FB earlygame alot easier as heros whom take top/solo lane tend to be the squishies and the extra damage allows you to get in, hit once and get out dropping their health by over 1/3. Second juke i usually take a kill.

Seriously, if you think you're grabbing first blood easily with CrD quints you should see what a walk in the park it is with AD quints. They're are far and beyond any other quints early on and since Tryndamere is always built with crit you can also take AD marks. Your damage will be out of this world early on.
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"The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and little girls are the FBI." - ???
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2011 10:08am | Report
Or you take full crit chance runes, so you need only one pd and one ie to full crit chance^^. Also this gives you an epic earlygame and epic jungling.
Exxcentric's Forum Avatar
Jun 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 14, 2011 8:51am | Report
^^ to the above pls read OP. I only posted this build up because i believe that full crit chance is exactly the way NOT to go with runes. Attack speed seems to work ALOT better.

At searz, been testing out Attack damage Quints but they seem to have much carry on them past lvl 3. The CrD runes seem to give me more damage as bloodlust applies a physical damage bonus to tryndamere and this is increased the CrD Quints. I feel like the AD quints would be more useful if i did not receive the AD bonus from bloodlust, and while might substantially increase hero damage on most heros there seems little advantage of it on tryndamere (especially as i am taking 21/0/9 masteries including 3 points in lethality).

Just out of curiosity has anyone tried attack speed quints on tryn before?
Ie: attack speed and marks quints
crit chance seals
Cooldown glyphs

11/19/0 masteries to get aclarity and ardor and picking dagger as first item would give you --> 48% attack speed increase right from the word go. Sure you wouldnt do as much damage per hit (although i doubt it would be too bad damage at all) you would have one hell of an attack speed advantage early on for solo lane on 3v3 and some natural defence to go with it.
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