you can build her in different ways , its intended that u can build her as / ap / ad / hybrid / offtank / etc .
But it changed a bit , i think the ad way (ie arp , not full ad like ashe :o) is the best now they nerfed the AP one so use items like infinite edge black cleaver youmu trinity etc , the key is to build defensive items at the right moment , ie your facing an ashe -> get an early chain vest , a mage a negatron cloak then i go my usual build (brutalizer -> sheen for dmg then mercury and spirit visage , finish trinity and youmu then .)
But it changed a bit , i think the ad way (ie arp , not full ad like ashe :o) is the best now they nerfed the AP one so use items like infinite edge black cleaver youmu trinity etc , the key is to build defensive items at the right moment , ie your facing an ashe -> get an early chain vest , a mage a negatron cloak then i go my usual build (brutalizer -> sheen for dmg then mercury and spirit visage , finish trinity and youmu then .)
I can tell you this, all the AP you're gonna need comes from Trinity Force. Yes, I know, it's very little, but it is fine. Try items like Trinity force, Randuins, Bloodthirster, IE, PD, and BV. Not all the same build of course.
If your attack is going well, you have walked into an ambush.
boots to trin basically, then go the path you are taking that DEWO mentioned.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Jiji plays Irelia a bit more on the tanky side. He farms quite heavily most game (because, well, he's jiji) and goes the following path:
Merc Treads somewhere while building Triforce. He occasionally builds Spirit Visage before finishing Triforce, but after building Sheen.
Really, in early-mid game, Triforce will give you all the DPS you need as long as you're leveled to the point of being a carry. Then you invest in defensive items and get a Bloodthirster or a Last Whisper late-game.
Merc Treads somewhere while building Triforce. He occasionally builds Spirit Visage before finishing Triforce, but after building Sheen.
Really, in early-mid game, Triforce will give you all the DPS you need as long as you're leveled to the point of being a carry. Then you invest in defensive items and get a Bloodthirster or a Last Whisper late-game.
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