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Could one section be better?

Creator: Blydden June 8, 2011 8:49am
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Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2011 8:49am | Report
*guide is in signature*

About my Ezreal Guide, I'm thinking about the "How the Counter Your Fellow Middle Lane Champions" section. Is there any way that it could be better? Should I make it more detailed? Less detailed? Add videos? Add colors, special fonts? Anything? I'm just curious since a lot of people seem to like it and I'd like to make it even better.

(BTW taking requests for which mid champions you wanna see counters for while this thread is up and since I am trying to make that section better might as well do that too. ^_^)

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2011 10:36am | Report
Obvious sign that you're playing against noobs;
They towerhug a lot.

Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2011 12:03am | Report
that was my conclusion when i read the guide lol

but he disagreed with me :(
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 1:19am | Report
Hm. Might as well talk about another section...

My item build, I'm curious. Are there any good life-steal or offensive items I'm missing?
What about my defensive items? Do I have too many defensive items? Should I narrow them down?

*yes, this is technically a bump, but its a serious one!*

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 2:24am | Report
Build is severely lacking in mana-regen.
Black Cleaver on Ezreal? **** NO. LW or Bloodrazor is the way to go.
Wriggle's on Ezreal? Works, but really isn't preferred.
Hextech Gunblade>Bloodthirster imo, but that's mostly a matter of opinion.

Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 3:47am | Report
Searz wrote:

Build is severely lacking in mana-regen.
Black Cleaver on Ezreal? **** NO. LW or Bloodrazor is the way to go.
Wriggle's on Ezreal? Works, but really isn't preferred.
Hextech Gunblade>Bloodthirster imo, but that's mostly a matter of opinion.

I personally am fine with minimal mana regen. That's just me though. I don't see a real place where I could insert extra mana regen. The armor and magic resist are needed so Ezreal takes less risk with the super-aggression. I don't enjoy Manamune, and Sheen/Trinity Force, Banshee's Veil...its enough for me, personally.

I like Black Cleaver? Jeez. Explain pl0x?

Wriggle's isn't preferred, no, but its meant as a form of recovery if you aren't doing so hot. Extra ward for safety and better farming to get back onto your feet. It really helps.

I think Hextech Gunblade is a fantastic item but I prefer Bloodthirster. And yeah that's me being stubborn but AP is not allowed in my guide >:)...(Shh Sheen, be quiet now for daddy)

(& yeah sorry for the total shutdown I'm a bastard that way but thanks for replying and I'd love to hear more?...What else can I say?)

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 4:08am | Report
Ezreal relies on Mystic Shot and physical abilities deal more damage with LW than with Black Cleaver.
Bloodrazor is about equal to LW overall. It's a better choice if the enemy only stacks armor, but not much MR.

The offense tree is kinda meh UNLESS YOU'RE BUILDING CRIT (which Ez isn't supposed to). Go down utility for mana-reg and many other very good bonuses. It'll be less of an in your face build early on, but after the first few levels you'll be MUCH better off with utility.
"I'm ebolakin. You can refer to me as Ebola-Chan." - Vurtax

"I also am Otherkin. Whenever autumn rolls around I can feel my kin-type slowly taking over my body. You must know, I identify as pumpkin. I can control it pretty good most of the time, but when September ends, I just cant hold it in anymore. Whenever Im outside I see my brothers and sisters being chopped into soup, coffee, donuts, cake, drinks, bread - ppl even cut human faces into their skin, making a mockery out of their noble appearance. When I see things like that I cant control my pumpkin urges anymore. My natural instincts kick in. I then sit down motionless, while getting bright orange." - Morgana L
Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 4:33am | Report
Searz wrote:

Ezreal relies on Mystic Shot and physical abilities deal more damage with LW than with Black Cleaver.
Bloodrazor is about equal to LW overall. It's a better choice if the enemy only stacks armor, but not much MR.

The offense tree is kinda meh UNLESS YOU'RE BUILDING CRIT (which Ez isn't supposed to). Go down utility for mana-reg and many other very good bonuses. It'll be less of an in your face build early on, but after the first few levels you'll be MUCH better off with utility.

Well one thing I like about Black Cleaver is how it reduces armor for the whole team too...I'm a sap for the team, yeah. But, I will think more on Madred's Bloodrazor.

Also: The whole POINT is for him to be in your face early on to shut down the mid lane...I can see how 0/9/21 would work but I don't know if I'm willing. But, I'll think about it.

Also: Did you just down-vote my guide for being long?!...I poured my heart and soul into the guide and I couldn't help myself...I'm sorry...that's what the build(s) up top are for, right?...:\

Yes I'm a baby about these things. It just feels a little bit unfair is all. :(

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 4:44am | Report
I downvoted because the guide is a wall of text. I don't like reading walls.
Work on it, a vote isn't set in stone.
It also contains some misinformation, but not enough to downvote over.
If you want a more compressed guide format, try mine. It's stickied. Your "Ezreal main syndrome" part can be kept, but try to clarify that parts like that are optional to read. It will help people that are just looking for quick info.

The part about facing different enemies in mid is just stupid. IT'S SO LONG!
"I saw [Twilight: Eclipse] in theaters with a girl I was dating at the time. I spent more time staring at my toes and wiggling them than I did watching this abomination. When Edward proposed to Blank Face, I finally looked up with a revelation.
I blurted out loud, in a dead silent theater full of teenage girls on opening night "Wait a minute, Edward has no blood flow. How does he get an erection?" I heard several men laughing, and had several girls turn and stare at me.

I did not get laid that night." - Berengier817
Blydden's Forum Avatar
May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2011 1:46pm | Report
Well I'll try but I'm a pretty lazy person...

Yeah the Ezreal Main Syndrome bit I wrote because I was pretty pissed at the time and didn't quite think about the flow because I just wanted that enemy Lux dead so bad...ah, memories.

...But, yeah, I'm keeping the mid section. If Ezreal's niche is to shut down a mid lane he needs to know how to shut down who's in it. Besides, some champs (like Anivia and Karthus) are actually very hard while others (Vladimir and Twitch) are just bravado, and I think people should know. Sorry its so long but its not possible to condense and I can't remove it without guilt. Apologies XD

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